High Alk Question

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Blue Tang
Nov 28, 2005
i accidentally overdosed my Kalk.. my Alk is now really high.....i am doing a big water change right now, but i was wondering if it would have dropped on its own without the water change..also, im doing a 30g water change on a 75g tank.. will this significantly lower my Alk closer to normal??
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Kinda hard to give any answer without knowing more but in general usually the answer would be yes.

No having said that--- I really should know What a new batch of your saltwater reads-- BEFORE you add it to your tank. Recently Ran into a HIGH CA and ALK bucket of reef crystals (over 13 DKH and 560 CA Using RODI Water )(probably and older bucket)

Also what is your tank at-- (what is really high ?)


i have to go buy a new test kit .. i am actually leaving right now..i will post my new readings when i get back.. i just finished my water change
Ron what is the pH , Alk and Ca++ ?

30g water change on a 75g tank.. will this significantly lower my Alk closer to normal??

You can calculate it by the gals of WC vs the gals of water in the tank

If we assume you have a total of 60 gals of water, the Alk was 5mq / l and the new salt is 2.5 meq / l, with a 15 gal WC then the Alk will be

15 / 60 = 25%

25 % x 2.5 meq / l = .625

75 % x 5 meq / l = 3.75

3.75 + .625 = 4.375 Alk final Alk
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