Please remember that it is FPS and not CFM (or GPM) that keeps detritus in suspension.
Or, without the abbreviations, it is velocity (feet per second) and not flow (cubic feet per minute or gallons per minute) that keeps detritus suspended.
So as long as the thickness of the flow layer is larger than the suspended particle (you can't move 2-mm diameter Urchin pellets over a toothless coast-to-coast if the flow is only 0.5mm deep), you need to compare the water velocities going over the overflow to determine which one would be more effective for detritus.
So convert the flow to CFM (about 7.5 gallons per cubic foot), and divide by the overflow area (length times depth of each section or "tooth space" times the number of tooth-spaces) to get velocity.
yes that is the question. what is that Ideal thickness?