I changed about 35 gallons on my 100gal tank over this last week. I then tested the water a few days later and got:
Salinity 1.026
Cal 400ppm
Mag 1600ppm
Alk 8.5
Am 0
Nit 0
Pho 0
temp 76.5-77.9 W/chiller
I've been using Brightwells salt for the last 4 months, and haven't dosed magnesium for almost 2 weeks. Is 1600ppm of MG hight for a reef tank? Should I be changing 50% to get it down?
My regular water changes have been around 25 gallons per week (a little everyday).
Thanks Reef Frontiers, Matt!
Salinity 1.026
Cal 400ppm
Mag 1600ppm
Alk 8.5
Am 0
Nit 0
Pho 0
temp 76.5-77.9 W/chiller
I've been using Brightwells salt for the last 4 months, and haven't dosed magnesium for almost 2 weeks. Is 1600ppm of MG hight for a reef tank? Should I be changing 50% to get it down?
My regular water changes have been around 25 gallons per week (a little everyday).
Thanks Reef Frontiers, Matt!