High Magnesium Level?

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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2010
Kent WA
I changed about 35 gallons on my 100gal tank over this last week. I then tested the water a few days later and got:

Salinity 1.026
Cal 400ppm
Mag 1600ppm
Alk 8.5
Am 0
Nit 0
Pho 0
temp 76.5-77.9 W/chiller

I've been using Brightwells salt for the last 4 months, and haven't dosed magnesium for almost 2 weeks. Is 1600ppm of MG hight for a reef tank? Should I be changing 50% to get it down?

My regular water changes have been around 25 gallons per week (a little everyday).

Thanks Reef Frontiers, Matt!
what is pH..if stable then I would not worry about it, otherwise, WC will bring down level as long as you don't add anymore.
my level was 1700 and I maintained it one week, then it slowly fell over the course of several weeks...For my 375g tank, it took several large WC to get it back to normal level which for my tank was 1200-1300.
can have that high, but you MUST know the consequences which I allude to in my earlier reply and act accordingly.