high nitate

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Well-known member
Nov 22, 2009
farmington, MN
hello i am new to reef keeping and have had my tank set up for 3 weeks and am running the cycle and right now my levels are all at zero but my nitrate is at 20 ppm looking for answers to what might be causing this. i have green chromis and i am feeding them misis but they are not eating it all so is the scraps on the bottom of the tank the cause for this please give me your input.
Overfeeding is probably the number 1 cause of nitrates.

A lot more information about your aquarium, maintenance schedule and such, will help us to better help you.

Size of tank?
Do you have a refugium with Macro Algae (this will go a long way to reduce nitrates.)
How often and how much water do you change?
What is your water source? Tap or RO/DI?
the tank is 75 gallons i do not have a refugium but i am working on that i am building a better sump. the tank has only been up for 3 weeks so i have not changed water yet as for what kind of water i filled it with distilled water for the initial fill but now i have a ro/di unit that i am going to get set up
Your tank is probably just finishing its initial cycle. I'd just feed less, do a small WC and dont worry about it for another week or so. If after two or three more weeks they're still high, then starting looking for a problem.
yes i have a skimmer and it is working good i have checked the ammonia and nitrites to and they are at 0 and the ph is at 8.4
Should be good to go then. Water changes will reduce your nitrates. Once you get your refugium set up, with Macro Algae, pruning the algae will export nitrates.

Ammonia and Nitrites are reduced by your bacterial colony. Nitrates need to actually be removed....so...time for those water changes.