High Phosphates Problem

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I've got about 200lbs. of LR, it came with the tank when I bought the complete setup, and it is about 5 years old. When I bought the tank, 90% of the glass was covered in algae as the guy stopped taking care of it towards the end. May have collected phosphates over that period of time.
based on what you have posted here, that would be my first guess...have you noticed algae/cyano growth localized on the live rock at all?

There are a few rocks that are getting covered in a really light green colored algae. Mainly cyano on the sand and on the glass. Not saying that the rocks arent getting some algae on them but not covered.
cyano and algae tend to be proximity based when growing...and if you are getting phospate readings in your water column, I'd imagine your rocks and sand are literally soaked in phosphate...good flow, water changes, skimming, carbon, phosphate removing media and above all paitence will bring this back into order, but it will take time....

The sand is new so I would assume if they have any PO4 in it that it would be minimal, unless its already getting saturated. I've got about 5000gph worth of flow and I plan on adding a spray bar for the back of the tank to blow on the rocks. As for water changes, I'm doing them as fast as my poor cold RO/DI will put it out. The skimmer is pulling skimmate pretty well and filling my good sized drain cup about once a week. Carbon, and phosphate media are on the way and will be utilized in Phosban Reactors.

As far as patience, I've got it and know that, it's how reef tanks work :D