Hole in the Head disease

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Emerald Crab
May 5, 2010
I bought a Kole Tang that in very short order that has a 1/8 to maybe 3/16 long by 1/8 wide hole in its cheek. I am going to move it to a qt tank. I have done some research on line and looked at various medications. The hole doesnt seem to be getting worse but the fish is losing weight. It is still eating and swimming well. I am curious about other reefers experience and the fishes' prognosis. Should I treat all the fish? I QT the fish for about a week before putting it in the tank and it seemed fine and only a few days later it had the hole. It doesnt appear to be an injury.
I'd suggest moving this thread to Lee's Marine Fish Discussion thread. Lee will be able to give you the best advice, but rarely ventures outside that forum. You can request this thread be moved, by clicking the red flag, under your user name. Use the "report" feature, to request the move.
Most would say a week is not a QT period.
If this just appeared once in the main tank I would say injury more then illness.
Everyone is going to want to know what you have in your tank and information about the tank this fish is in. my first thought is it got whacked by another tank mate.
If the fish is eating and loosing weight then it is not eating enough of, or the correct types of food for this fish. Tangs are grazers and really need to eat all day.
Thanks I will request the thread move. Good Idea. AC7AV or Sid do you know of a good thread for inbound QT. I am going to be picking up frags and fish over the next six months as a go from a softies tank to lps and sps and adding some fish.
Sounds good. I read through the titles and I will read them as I am an avid researcher. Thanks for the pointers.
A single hole, without other signs, is not indicative of MHLLE (or what others call lateral line erosion or hold in the head).

I'd need to see a photo of the fish to help any further.