QT setup and others questions

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Hmmmm, Thast just crap. Were you able to acclimate them or did he make you just drop them back in?
Well other options.....If you are still having an ick outbreak, I still have a 55 ready to set back up. I would rather take on some responsibility to treat and try to save as many of your fish as possible than to see you loose any of them.
We can work something out if you want to try it.
I think if I had the 215g in my apartment, my landlord would have a heart attack also. If it was in a house on a concrete slab it shouldn't have been a problem.
He had me just put them back in. He wanted those tanks out in a hurry. Im in a house and me and my wife discussed with them our tank setup and all that so they wrote it into the lease that we could have the 215 going so long as i reinforced the floor which i did, hes a construction contractor, so he did the final blessing on the reinforcement. But we never agreed on qt tanks. With the display and the qt tanks, it was around 400 gallons of water, so i do understand why he freaked. I should be happy that they agreed to the display before they even saw it, which tbey both love! The fish are actually doing good, surprisingly. They're all swimming around and i only see a few spots on the hippo. All of them ate. I know that theyre not healed by any means though. The salinity i was in the process of lowering, had it down to 1.015. Was on my way to 1.08. So it wasnt to bad of a transition for them. Still woulda liked to re-acclimate though. Thank you VERY much for the offer lorrie. I will let you know if i will need your services...lol...vet lorrie.
Feed lots of meaty foods soaked in vitamins and garlic and lots of seaweed. Keep them as healthy as possible. I just have the feeling the ick is going to come back tenfold in a few days. I hope it doesnt. Good luck.
God i hope not! Fingers crossed! So lets say i was to start another hospital tank. What size would be recommended for the fish i have? I was thinking for all the fish in 1the tank. Or would that be bad? I might be able to convince the landlords for 1 more tank. Maybe sectioning off the tank in different sizes?
The rule is for one inch of fish u need 5-7 gallons of water.

i use the rule loosely :-D
I saw that was amswered already. Thanks for the reply though. That would equal out to, i rounded up to 50" of fish total to be safe, a qt tank 250-350 gallons of water. If i had a tank that big, it would be my display and the one im using now would be qt! Haha
The only fish I worry about is your naso tang. The 55 would probably be okay for it, but I would worry about it being overly stressed. IMO the rest of them in the 55, as long as regular water changes are done so dimished water quality doesnt stress them, you should be okay. Make sure there are a lot of places for them to hide. Large fake plants and PVC pieces help.
Well, my naso passed tonight. So with this outbreak, getting all the fish into qt, landlord seeing the qt tanks and making me throw them back in the display, to getting my naso alone in a qt at my parents, i have lost my baby kole tang, naso tang, black clownfish, mandarin, female square spot. Think i learned my lesson! QT EVERYTHING!
Thanks lorrie. Lesson learned though. With the bad comes the good. Got some nice corals for my tank and some nice fish for my wifes office tank at barrier reef. Her fish are qt at the moment, eating already. My new corals, theyre in qt as well and opened. The sunset looks awsome! Always wanted one.
I did. Yesterday was insanely crowded! Great deals. Today they had great deals also, but today you had breathing room. My wife picked up a sailfin for her office and a bunch of snails and a scallop. I picked up a couple more sps, one of which was only 10 bucks.
Yes it was/is. Heres a couple pictures for you to look at from barrier reefs sale, sunset too lorrie. All of the corals got treated to a coral Rx treatment before seeing the inside of my tank.
Very nice pieces. I thought that was what you were talking about when you said sunset, but wasn't sure.