hole in the head on my powder brown tang

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2009
somebody help me out what is the best why to treat hole in the head i know put him in a hospital tank but mine is b eing used right now to treat my rabbit fish for ich and i dont want to buy another tank right now

the tang is the only fish in my tank right every thing is a 0 and ph is 8.2 calcium 400 salt 1.23-1.25 there is only a kenya tree and a few mushrooms in the now but i can put them in the sisters 55 if i have to i have been using melafix just for a day and rembered that i had some binox that worked wonders for my freashwater fish that had it (just one fish cleared it up in 2 days and it never came back) i was going to use it but before i did anything i wanted to know if you can eve use this for saltwater fish tank and if it is going to hert any of my corals

what are you feeding the tang?? they need greens supplemented with vitamins and aminos.. i use Kents Zoe and Zoecon for mine...as long as the water quality is ok, it should clear up with proper feeding and supplements
i just got him bought him at the store it wasnt there but a few day after it just appered his ate at the store because i made them fed him so that i wound know that he was eating but he wont eat in my tank
I once adopted a purple tang with very bad head and lateral line erosion, HLLE. Totally cured it in under 6 months. Needs good clean water and the proper diet. Any brand of Omega 3 enriched HUFA supplement will work. I had superb success with Selcon soaked into Nori fed many times a day with an algae clip.
I once adopted a purple tang with very bad head and lateral line erosion, HLLE. Totally cured it in under 6 months. Needs good clean water and the proper diet. Any brand of Omega 3 enriched HUFA supplement will work. I had superb success with Selcon soaked into Nori fed many times a day with an algae clip.

thanks mike
Unfortunately, HLLE is quite common with some Tangs. It's usually contributed to not enough algae in their diet. Offer it LOTS and varied algae foods with a vitamin supplement, such as Selcon, and I hope for a speedy recovery. Unfortunately, some scarring will probably always remain.
Unfortunately, HLLE is quite common with some Tangs. It's usually contributed to not enough algae in their diet. Offer it LOTS and varied algae foods with a vitamin supplement, such as Selcon, and I hope for a speedy recovery. Unfortunately, some scarring will probably always remain.

the problem is is that he wont eat is there something that will encerage his eating
Some say garlic helps, I am not so sure. The less medicines and suppliments outside of in its food the better. Make sure it is as peaceful as possible and give it some time.
Some say garlic helps, I am not so sure. The less medicines and suppliments outside of in its food the better. Make sure it is as peaceful as possible and give it some time.

i have heard the garlic thing to but what do you do soak in it right and how do you do it

he should be peicefull hes in a 155 gallon bowfront all by himself:cry:
Sometimes when fish are introduced into a tank full of live rock, they seem to go back to their old grazing ways and don't worry about what is in the water column. That is why the QT for 3 months or so will normally break that habit and it will always know to look for your prepared foods. However, since it is already in the tank I would try rubber banding some algae on a rock and as he is grazing, he might just come across the prepared rock.

Good luck,

Sometimes when fish are introduced into a tank full of live rock, they seem to go back to their old grazing ways and don't worry about what is in the water column. That is why the QT for 3 months or so will normally break that habit and it will always know to look for your prepared foods. However, since it is already in the tank I would try rubber banding some algae on a rock and as he is grazing, he might just come across the prepared rock.

Good luck,


thanks all try that in the morning

just to let everyone know the rabbit i was treating for ich has now lost all of the spots tommarrow i will do a water chang and treat for another week or so and see how the tang is doing and the rabbit should be going in the 155 with it
Should continue QT for a minimum of 2 weeks after all visible signs of Ich are gone. Keep the salinity at 1.009 for that long. Then take a week to raise the salinity back to 1.025. Then you should be good to go.

You could try soaking the Nori in garlic juice. Yep, the stuff you buy in the grocery store. Some say it triggers a feeding response or enhances the appetite. I don't know how much of this is true, but it's worth a try.
Should continue QT for a minimum of 2 weeks after all visible signs of Ich are gone. Keep the salinity at 1.009 for that long. Then take a week to raise the salinity back to 1.025. Then you should be good to go.

You could try soaking the Nori in garlic juice. Yep, the stuff you buy in the grocery store. Some say it triggers a feeding response or enhances the appetite. I don't know how much of this is true, but it's worth a try.

tanks has been at 1.010 for a week now going to change water tomorrow and keep treating for TWO WEEKS thanks sid
while the PB died a while ago while it was in QT,

While as for the rabbit it has almost doubled in size and could probably eat a hole pack of nori if i put it in there.

took these pick yesterday and a few with the actnics on.Also have a little supprize to:D




OOO and the supprize



They all get along great.


So to answer you question the rabbit is fine but the PB not so much:):(
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well just to let everyone know the suprise died this morning:cry:

woke up went over to the tank and turned on the lights and up in the corner was the blond stuck to the powerhead.i turned the powerhead of and he flowted down.He was still breathing but it was like he was paralyzed because he couyldnt swim or anything.So i through in the QT tank really quick and he sorta swimmed over two the corner and about 30 min later died.I have no idea what happened to him he was fine the night before all out and happing munch on so algea and shrimp and then he dies i just dont get it.
i hope i do to i have know idea what could of happened to him/her.

Like i said he was perfect one day and then stuck on a powerhead the next.