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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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My parents had a 10 gallon fresh tank when I was maybe 8 or 9... some neons, some guppies and what not. The guppies had babies before my eyes one night. I was "hooked" on fish from then. By 12 or 13 I had my own fresh water tank. My nieghbor was a science teacher. She gave me great advice on the way to the LFS... "No matter how much you know... play dumb and ask lots of questions" I know that often people trash the LFSs help... but some really know and care. I read a little but learned alot from people. I was breeding live fish bearers... the egg layers and moving up the ladder looking for more challenging fish.

By 20 I bought a book on saltwater fish... it talked about undergravel filtration and how/where to get your water from the sea. ... how things have changed since the 80's. Things were great until I had someone babysit my tank. Amazing what can happen in 9 days. I got out of saltwater for 10 years. In the last couple years I have been reading, talking to people at the LFS and by far the most important source has been the internet. I love the information age. Answers that would take days or weeks... maybe never can fly outa nowhere in minutes. This has been a great site for me.