how do I lower my ph

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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2006
How do I lower my ph it is a little on the high side both in the tank and in the salt mix?
is there an easy fix?
ph is running about 8.6
Reef Crystals salt
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speaking of that oanyone ever make diy rock and try to lower the cure time by boiling it and that is not that high of ph i think 8.6?

yeah it's just on the high end.
I have been doing a lot of reading and it seems that most everyone is tying to boost there ph. I am the opposite. I think I have probs with new livestock cause most of the time I am changing the ph enviro they came from.
I thought it might help... maybe not/
DKh under 11?

Actually isnt baking soda used to raise PH?
And an acid is used to lower.

Sorry about that Travis, I had it wrong.
So there has to be an imbalance some where in the buffers. Are you dosing your new saltwater with anything before adding to the tank?
ph by meter just calibrated it fri.

alk is just on the high end of normal

I'd say leave it alone. If your acclimating properly you should have no problem with new livestock due to ph.
There is really only two things that cause high ph. Dosing high ph additives and co2 deficency. Lack of co2 is pretty unlikely. I'd lean towards bad or old calibration fluid.

I'd say leave it alone. If your acclimating properly you should have no problem with new livestock due to ph.
There is really only two things that cause high ph. Dosing high ph additives and co2 deficency. Lack of co2 is pretty unlikely. I'd lean towards bad or old calibration fluid.


good point (old fluid) but I just got it a couple of months ago. Does it go bad quickly?

I may go try the 'old' test tube method. I'll let you know!
good point (old fluid) but I just got it a couple of months ago. Does it go bad quickly?

I may go try the 'old' test tube method. I'll let you know!

There are many brands that are off from the factory, they only get worse with time. The single use packets are best. If you are using a bottle everytime you open it your introducing co2 thus increasing ph.
As far as your tank goes. I'm assuming your not dosing kalk or alk additive to cause the high ph, correct me if I am assuming wrong. I assume your tank is in a house with people living in it. With our lousy weather I would also assume you dont have all your doors and windows open. This being the case a lack of co2 is very unlikely, so that brings us back to the calibration.
You could run to the store and buy seltzer water and toss it in. This will lower ph but before I made such a decision I'd definatly verify the calibration.

I was just asking, its hard to see such a high PH. I think Don hit it on the nail.

Bust out that test tube!

Still I think there is something up if the xenia is looking unhappy. Also that BTA will let you know when there is something wrong. But still that xenia should tolorate most conditions.
My xenia has gone through hell and back in the last 4 months, never dies just slows down a little.

Let me know what your schedule is like and maybe I can come by one day after work to see what we can find before something decides to not live any longer.
Im glad to help any way I can.
Yes you should be adding whatever it takes to get it balanced.


that's the thing it always tests perfect.
I even took a fresh salt mix (about 36hrs old) and the tank water to a shop and they tested it out perfect???