How do I unsubscribe from threads?

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2006
Southern Ca.
I am getting too many emails. I am not sure but it seem every thread I post in I get subscribed to. Not sure why.
Help please.
Go to user cp on the right hand side of the screen. Then click on view all subscriptions. Then click the boxes next to the ones you want to unsubscribe to, at the bottom of the screen you will see a box that says move to. Change it to delete and then hit the button. Subscriptions gone.

I am getting too many emails. I am not sure but it seem every thread I post in I get subscribed to. Not sure why.
Help please.

ROLF!!! Looks like Brian already helped you out, but that is the reason I don't subscribe to any threads. I turned that off a long time ago...Could you imagine:eek: :p