Much like Johnathan, I have tried pretty much every med on the market with limited and mixed results. Boiling water and vinegar work really well. Kalk works fairly well but the aptasia can be tough and come back. I also severely damaged my poor hammer with some kalk overspray, so I quit doing that.
I have had good luck with peppermint shrimp, as long as there is little or no other food for them to eat.
I have also had great luck with Copper band's eating aptasia, but they have all starved out after that (exept the one I have now). I have participated in the copper band share method, but unfortunately the poor cbb eventually gets whacked from stress, someone's neglect or a host of other causes. I currently have a copper band in my tank and it is the only one I have ever had that eats anything other than aptasia. He sniffs at flake food, so I am hoping he may learn to eat it as well, but for now he greedily chows any and all frozen foods. I don't have any clams in my tank so he hasn't seemed to bug anything, including the mojanos. For some reason he won't eat them, but he chows aptasia.... go figure.
So I agree with fishermann that way too many of these great fish are sold and not properly cared for and anyone that is thinking of getting one should consider their long term needs and care.