How do you make a pair of maroon clowns?

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May 24, 2005
yakima wa
Hi everyone i was wanting to make a pair of maroon clowns i recently purchased one and wondered if i got another if they might pair up or if there is a way too get them too. Thank you.
get them small, as small as you can
once they're about 2+" they may beat each other up too much to pair up
oldsalty - here is some information you might find helpful:

Pairing Clownfish - There is a specific section in the first post about pairing maroon clowns. How big is the clown you have now?
actually that is not entirely true. If you purchase two large ones, they are unlikely to pair. however if one is larger and one is smaller, I have found they pair quicker than if you buy them both small. I have paired maroons twice now. You have to watch them closely the first day to make sure the bigger one doesn't hammer the new smaller one, but they seem to know their place if they are already different in size.
IMO, the best way to pair maroons is this......if the current single GSM/WSM is larger sized, say at least 3" from snout to end of the caudal tail, I would get the smallest possible juvenile/male maroon you can find. THere are some I have seen that are about 1" or 1.5". Remember that size does not represent a clownfish's age. In other words, a 1.5" GSM/WSM can be many years old if there is a dominant female around. As long as its a male or juvenile your chances will be better. In pairing clowns that are not bought as a 'mated-pair', I always strive to get the biggest clown first, then find the other one. Or if you had a pair, and one died, i would wait awhile.

Are you around Seattle area? I have smaller gold-stripe maroons available.

- Elmo
all young marron clown fish have no sex until you place them in a tank as a pair and the stronger one turns into the female and the weaker one will be the male, if your one is big just buy a small one but make sure you have lots of places for the new one to hide at first, Maroon clowns are know for not being nice and they will fight but this is how you get the strong one and the weak one and then they might pair after they fight it out,
in my gallery their is a picture of my two marrons in my tank trying to breed they where fighting for the first 2 months when i got them and they where both the same size have a look! and you will see what i mine about size!