How hardy are 6line wrasses?

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Jul 22, 2007
Well i was wondering how well does the 6line wrasse handle ich. I know ich can be on any fish. But certain fishes can have a higher ristance in ich like triggers. So I am wondering can a 6line handle ich or would it be like a hippo tang where thyey are magnets to ich.
Speaking only in generalities, the Wrasses have a good mucous coating and will develop a fair immunity to non-lethal exposures to Marine Ich (Cryptocaryon irritans. But, like you know, this doesn't always make them non-carriers or unable to spread the disease to other fishes.
is the wrasse the only family that has a good mucous coating? whats the difference between a tang and a wrasses coat ??

The Tang mucous coating is very weak/thin, especially in the Genus Acanthurus, compared to most Wrasse coatings.
Bah my 6line got ich after I rearranged my rocks. I cant catch it. How well does the wrasse handle ich?

That means then, there is Marine Ich in your marine system and all fishes are infected.

The implication to your question is that you may be considering to do nothing about it. Yet, the right thing to do is remove all fish and treat them. The concept of seeing if the fish will 'ride it out' is similar to waiting to see if grandma will recover from pneumonia on her own.

I don't decide what fish to treat based upon their resistance to disease. Keep in mind I wrote in generalities before. Every individual fish has it own tolerances to diseases and water quality and environment and tank mates, etc., etc. So what may be true for a group of fishes may not have any bearing on the one fish in captivity.