How Long Have You Been Reefing?

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4 years this summer!! enjoying every minute of it, though my husband doesn't like the money spending! :exclaim:

I am always learning something new and then decide that I should have bought "that one instead" :lol:

I am now working on getting my nano up to speed, I decided to put a hob skimmer on it, waiting to see how it settles out.
About 5 1/2 years....and a lot of dollars, and cusswords, later :D
All told about three years for me. I currently have a 10, a20 and a 55 the 55 has been up for about 10 months.
Two years, I think it may be a progressive addiction, freshwater since 91. I have alot to learn, T.F.H editorial this month said its more a art than a science, I really liked that, it makes alot of sense to me. I dont know about you all, but when you can stay up to 3 am watching your corals in the moonlight, all is right with the world.
I've been reefing in the states for about 4-5 years. I've been around reef animals for about my entire life, though ;)

- Elmo
Set up my first Reef tank 2 years ago with a 55 gallon as the first victim, now I also have a 24 gallon Nano-Reef with mainly softies, a 65 with SPS, a 75 with LPS, 135 with SPS/Clams, a 240 with SPS, and a 300 gallon frag tank with SPS/LPS and some softies. Its addicting to say the least..what a hobby!
Started 4 years ago when my neighbor with a 125 LPS tank saw my empty 55 sitting on its stand. He gave me his old wet/dry for watching his kid after school and the rest is history. Then in Feb of 2003 i had to tear down my tank because my wife got orders to go to South Korea. I remember going to the LFS that i had taken my babies to about every other day. I would watch as my teenage Emperior Angle would shy away from prospective owners only to come to the front of the store tank when i walked up. Then one day when i went to go visit to my baby, in profound dispare i realized someone had bought him. After that i never went back.
Now after having spent one and a half years without a tank I got my 16 gallon nano out of storage. I got it up and running last week, and feel so much better. Just to see the tank with water and rock in it is such a wonderful thing. I will be putting up my 72 bow front in about 6-8 months, and my dream tank in hopefully about 2 years.
I have been part of this community for almost two weeks and cant say enough about all of you guys and gals. I have learned more in the last 11 days then i had the three years that i had my 55 up. I'd just like to say thanks to Kevinpo for having such a great store and providing any knowledge or info that i need. To see the difference in people who love this hobby vs people who are just trying to make a sale( my LFS in Utah). Thanks again everyone. You are all great
19 years ago I set up a 100 gal tank then 9 years ago a 80 gal. 7 years ago a 90 gal reef. 3 years ago a 557 gal reef. 1.5 years ago a LFS with 20 tanks with 1,600 gals :eek: See what can happen.........Warning this could happen to you too! :D What a strange trip its been :)

I set my first reef tank up in January of 1998 and have been full tilt ever since.

I did have a reef tank back when under gravel filters were all the rage and was somehow successful. I also had some freshwater tanks too before the salt got to me. :lol:
Close to two years now and have been up and down with the success thing. Sometimes having too many different opinions from too many sources can be bad. Oh well my 55g is now looking good.
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It's so wild to see how many years a fish tank can keep someone busy. I know it's really not the tank but what's in the tank but it's still wild.If you look back at when you first started would you of every guessed that you would be even more hooked now than ever. It's kinda funny if you think back to your new-bee days, how little you knew about reef keeping compared to now and how much you think you know. I'm glad to see such a big turn out for this thread thanks to everyone for posting....

Your tank mate,
Shark Bait......Oo Ha Ha
One year last April, now I have my third tank sitting empty in the front room and the fourth one in a box in the spare room - about 360 gallons between the four of them.
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Ten years ciclids, three years salt, six month reef trial in 2002 then started right in feb this year. Thanks for help Kevinpo!