How Many Use Tap Water?

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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2005
I would like to know how many of you use or have used tap water unfiltered. And if so do/did you have any algae problems?

Back when I first started and didn't know any better:oops: , had TONS of hair algae that would not go away!!! I will NEVER do that again!

I'm fairly lucky where I live and the tap water is really good. Even so the TDS reading is 120. TDS on my RO is 0.02 with a membrane that is 18 months old, pre resin.
I would not advocate the use of tap water.
I wouldn't advocate the use of tap water either. Houston puts lots of stuff in the water from algecides (so I've heard) and other things like metals etc... You never know what's really in your water w/o testing for every little thing... I don't even drink water from the tap :) I use a britta or our frige water.
I used tap water while my tank was cycling and was constantly fighting algae problems. I switched to store bought water and haven't had a problem since. Some day I will get my own RO/DI but I only pay 30 cents per gallon for water so I don't really mind.
Tap water has so many variables that it is hard to trust, even if it measures out ok. If you use tapwater I would say get a TDS meter and test it every time you use it.

I've only used Tap during the intial filling of the tank. Since the intial filling I've only used RO/DI water.
I use tap water but I love algae! I really think the hobby needs to change it's focus to find a way to incorporate desirable algae. Some are really sexy!

I just feel a healthy reef has algae, and we need to find ones we like!

If you don't like macro algae, theres always unicellular!
I use distilled water for my tanks and I have had nothing but great success with the tank. Tap water from where I live is a big no-no.
I do and will continue to do so until I can afford a rodi system :shock: I have a clam, hairy mushrooms, ugly star polyps, fire and ice zoo's that are growing like crazy ($20 bargain frag) and pulsing xenia that is growing out of control and a brain coral that seems to like tap water. I also have a couple of crabs, 2 shrimp, a pigmy angel and 2 oselaris(sp?) clowns that have been through hell and back and they all seem to be thriving.......what gives ??
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moortim said:
Tap water has so many variables that it is hard to trust, even if it measures out ok. If you use tapwater I would say get a TDS meter and test it every time you use it.


The problem I see with that is, a TDS meter doesn't really mean much. I have one and I have a 5 stage rodi unit. Coming out of the unit is 0 ppm. But if I let the water sit it somehow will register some on the TDS. 035 So that means it is picking stuff up in the bucket? Left over additives perhaps. I think I would need to check for specific things like nitrate etc. instead.
The reason I asked this question to begin with is because I have a 5 stage and yet I have fought red hair algae twice. Searching everything I could about that I have it narrowed down to three causes. Old di resin, disturbing my tank both times, and/or adding carbon. I always run my tanks without carbon but when I changed things around a couple of times I stuck some in a bag in my sump to help with anything I might have released while disturbing the sand bed. And both times I have done this I got an outbreak of Red hair a few days later. Now I have found out that even most carbon that says phosphate free will still release large amounts of phosphate. So that could be the problem. Or it could just simply be due to my disturbing everything.
Anyway, I am just really curious as to how many are using non filtered water successfully.
SWPlantedTank said:
I use tap water but I love algae! I really think the hobby needs to change it's focus to find a way to incorporate desirable algae. Some are really sexy!

LOL I guess I have never thought of algae as SEXY.
Tacoma tap water, only the best!!!! I have only used tap water from the start on my 125 full reef and my softie 30 with breeding clowns also for my seahorses and clown fry seems to work great I have almost no alge and even sps seem to thrive?? just luck I guess. for top offs a 5 gallon bucket straight from the tap to the tank.
Tap water here sucks! I tried it in my first ever saltwater setup and ended up taking the thing down and going back to freshwater for a few months. I tested our well water here and my nitrate test kit only went up to 160ppm and it read above it so my tank was algae city! So for me it is either ro/di or nothing...:)
I just tested my tap water nitrate - 0ppm
and nitrite for good measure - nada
Phosphate - .1 or less

So why am I spending so much money for DI resin and ro cartridges? I am going to call the water district tomorrow and see if they have on record a test of the water around here. Maybe there are other things that could over time throw off the balance in the tank.
i've always used an RO/DI water filter. It was cheap and worth evey penny.
copepod said:
I just tested my tap water nitrate - 0ppm
and nitrite for good measure - nada
Phosphate - .1 or less

So why am I spending so much money for DI resin and ro cartridges? I am going to call the water district tomorrow and see if they have on record a test of the water around here. Maybe there are other things that could over time throw off the balance in the tank.

Its all the crap you dont test for. Copper and lead are just two examples.

lots of people use tap water successfully. you just need to know what is in it first before you use it. tap water her is only 12-28 on the tds and no chloramine, only chlorine which will evaporate out if you let it. most lead and copper are from house piping not the city supply, but you need to check to make sure. iron is another concern for algee growth, and some areas have sulfur. even with all these issues you could do a lot by adding a single filter for your house water. when you want to eliminate any doubt about water get a rodi.
Our city water test above 190 ppm. I found an RO/DI 6 stage on ebay for $100. Worth every penny, the water taste great!