Ohhhhh...I love camping! Did you eat s'mores and sing Kumbaya???
Yeah, something like that, as a matter of fact It cured me of camping forever.
A year in a jungle with monkeys, C-Rations and rain not to mention no plumbing or electricity doesn't do it for me anymore. Give me a nice hotel room with a roof, TV, real
food and an occasional good looking girl to look at anything. After a while some of those monkeys were starting to look good. Especially the ones with ones with less facial hair.
Once I was supposed to go to this place called Nui Ba Din which was a base on top of a steep mountain. It was an Air Force Base and I was to bring back to the LZ a pick up truck that we wanted to use to bring our garbage to the tree line. (There were no roads) My Luitanent pilot flew me out there in a LOH (light observation helocopter) and I would get the truck and go back on the CH47
Before I went I took money from a few guys to buy beer from the Air Force. They had everything because they had planes, like Duh.
I had to weigh the truck so they knew how many troops we could fit inside the CH47
(large two rotor helocopter used for carrying things)
After I weighed the truck, I took it and loaded it with fifty or so cases of beer and covered it with a tarp.
I couldn't tell the helocopter pilot that I filled the truck with beer or I would have to split it with them.
Now the truck was much heavier but they loaded it under the CH47 on a sling and we took off. As we went past the edge of this high mountain, we started to lose altitude and the two door gunners were trying to cut the truck loose. I yelled at them saying, thats my truck, what are you doing. I didn't realize we were overloaded.
The truck let go and fell away from us but we were to low and the front rotor started to hit the trees and we went down. No one got hurt but we had to walk back up the mountain. Those things crashed all the time.
I called my pilot on the radio and told him we had a problem. Most of the beer was his.
We made three trips there at night with his LOH with no lights to get the beer.
A LOH can't carry to much at a time.
But it all worked out, except for that helocopter.
I guess they recovered it as it was not too damaged. thumbsup1
This is the CH47 or Chnook. Of course we called them S---Hooks
This is the FDC or fire direction control. It was a hole we dug in the ground that we put 6 layers of sandbags on top of on trees.
We had a "computer" in there that was the size of a Volkswagon. it helped aim the guns.
Thats me in the back
Unfortunately, sometimes it was not enough protection.