How much 2 part additive

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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2004
Auburn, WA
I am starting to use the Calmax 2 part additive to get my Cal / Alk levels just right before I fire up my calcium reactor. I had been using Kalkwasser drip to keep levels up, but just couldn't stay ahead of the game, hence the calcium reactor. I don't have any experience with the 2 part and was wondering how much of each part to add a day to boost levels in my 90. Maybe if the people who dose this on there tanks can give an example of their usage I could get a good feel for a starting point. I know that the load of calcium dependant items will make a difference, just wanted a ballpark figure. I didn't want to waste too much time trying to figure this out by trial and error.

Thanks for the help,

You know Ken... I dont have a scientific reason behind it, but I have never been able to raise my CA levels significantly with 2-part additives. They seem to maintain the levels very well but not raise them. Kalk on the other hand raises my level easily by just strenghtening the dose and increasing my evaporation levels with fans..
you can start by adding ten ml's of each three times per week and then work up to double that if neccessary.
Thanks guys,

My calcium today was a little low at 350+ and alk was ~8. My total water volume is around 90 i figure with displacement of water from rock and what is in my sump and fuge. I haven't really had any luck raising with the 2 part either, it has dropped. I might go and drip some kalk along with the 2 part to get levels up there.

What would be a safe max i could dose of the 2 part, and are there any concerns with using it?

With your Ca where it is I'm guessing your alk is in the 3.5-4ish mEq/l area? Gotta love IO... :p

If so, I wouldn't use kalk or the two part. Kalk will keep the imbalance (high alk/low Ca) as it replenishes both equally and you'll use a $$ with the two part (almost ½ lt) plus your equal measure per container will get messed up something awful.

I would instead suggest getting some Kent Turbo Ca. Works very well, has little (if any) impact on alk (Mg depending) and cost far less than a watered down CaCL additive. Two teaspoons/day for a week (5-7days) will fix it up fine depending on your alk level. Just keep checking both to see how it's progressing.

Thanks Steve, I was on the same line thinking my Alk was keeping Calcium down. I wll do as suggested.

I havent used Kent's Turbo Ca. Sounds interesting.

You can always add baking soda to raise your ALK as well. I end up adding several teaspoons of baking soda every day to keep mine up..

1tsp baking soda every 50 gal raises alk roughly 1DKH
Anyone know of a local shop that carries the Kent Turbo Calcium, if not I need to order some so it will be here when I get back from camping next weekend.


yup, as stated, calmax or any 2 part cal/alk is only going to maintain the current levels, you should definately boost it up first. also, kent turbo calcium is crap, yes it will increase your calcium, but keep in mind this is just de-icer made by dow that kent puts a pretty lable on, and is not even a food quality additive, which means a fair amount of impurities (i dont know which).
seachem's "reef advantage calcium" powder is a vastly superior product which also contains magnesium and strontium. using it in conjunction with seachem's "reef builder" powder alkalinity buffer is a simple and well known way to increase both calcium and alkalinity levels safely and quickly. i prefer using warner marine's analytical reagent grade chemicals but i must admit that i have had better and faster results with the seachem products, so i usually use the seachem stuff to raise my levels and then i maintain them with warner marine calmax in conjunction with kalkwasser and iodine. recenty i have also been using salifert's additives with excellent results as well, and they are pharmecutical grade chemicals. their "coral grower" product and "corralin amino acids" product are great and i have noticed significant growth and coloration using their products. the only bad thing iv'e heard is that their "all in one" product is so potent that if slightly misused it can fry some of your more sensitive corals. i have never used that one.
Thanks S.W. I am sure I will be able to find one of the mentioned products to get me where I need to be. As of right now I am dripping Kalk again, and will get calcium in check before firing up the reactor. I really do appreciate the input.
