How much heat do VHO put off?

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See Anemaknee
Oct 20, 2005
I am putting 2-250w MH and 380w of VHO (4-36") over my new 144 gal tank. Just wondering how much of a issue I will have with heat.
Are you gonna have any fans? I have never run vho alone, so it is really hard to tell if they put off much heat. I take that back, I run them over my fuge, you shouldn't have any problems. JMHO
the MH's will outcompete your vho's with heat... fans are a must.
Well placed fans receive my vote also. Its amazing how much heat just having the fans running will dissapate for you!! Of course, your evaporation goes up, but its much easier to auto-top-off, than chill!
Agree with all, I have run straight VHOs for yeas, was amazed how much heat they generated, until added halides!
The halides are the main reason to add fans, the combination makes it an almost must.
hmmm I ran 4 vhos over my old 75 and they put off very little heat. The canopy was vented but no fans and i never had a problem. Halides though get insanely hot so i would just worry about them.
A very good person to ask about this would be Ronj, On his 125 he is running VHO without MH currently. I know from my expierence I would have to agree with the Fans are must. But also where to place them, Krish can attest to that for sure.
Yep!!!! i have 3-60" VHO's under my canopy...they do produce heat,although i'm sure this isn't even close to the MH heat....when i open my canopy, a wave of warm air blows out of it everytime!!!!i don't have any fans or anything in my that you mentioned it, i actually forgot to install them!! i planned on it and completely forgot..i don't have heat issues in the tank though..i may end up with them in the middle of summer...let me put it this way...if i had a fan or two in my canopy, i'm sure the heat wouldn't be any problem at wouldn't be able to build up in there!!
The amount of heat they put off per watt should be the same as the MH. The difference is that the tube is much longer and dissapates heat from its entire surface area. The t5HO's(39w at 3 feet) that I am running will almost burn you after they have been on for a while.

VHO also prefer to be run at much lower temps then MH. The bulbs will put out far more par the closer you get them to their recomended operating temp(75f I believe). They will also last logner if you run them in that range. For these reasons I would defintley recomend running a fan.