How much is your electricity bills.

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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2003
Kent 98031
Ok PSAS people,

I want to know how much you are paying with your electrical home bills.
I just want to know how off I really am....

Little history... when I was in an apartment my winter electrical bills was 100 dollars.
Now after I bought this house my bills are 250 dollars. (i even moved my tank from garage to inside house... but still the same 230 to 260 dollars.
Ok I want to know your bills and square footage of your house.

I will start

1000 SF 3BR / $250

Thank you... (moderator please move me to proper forum if you think im wrong...)

im still in a bad position... Im betting that its my water heater in the garage....

I made a small experiment... I timed my meter how fast it will go to do a complete turn... well... water heater is number one.... with 6 seconds for a complete turn...

here are the numbers...

New front load dryer = 5 sec (used once a week)
Water heater 50G I think... = 6 sec
Oven = 8 sec (rarely used)
Range = 23 sec (2 times a day)
Aquarium = 28 sec (specs on my sig)
fridge = 1 min 26 sec

I know its a very unscientific approach... CRAP!!!
I think Im still paying too much...
$398.60 on 2900 sq/ft. Add gas and its another $48.60 OUCH. I think thats every two month's. I think its the 6 400watt MH and 4 VHO's lol
Cesar....Is your heat electric as well?

My last PSE electric bill (from 01/14/08 -- 02/13/08) is for $400.46! Then there is the natural gas part as well for heat and hot water which is an additional $325.18.

After the previous bill, I turned down the thermostat 2 degrees and unplugged a freezer out in the garage. My bill is still up for the latest billing period.

I could set up another tank for that!

power calculater

watts times number of hours used in a day. divide by 1000 = kilowatts per day

kilowatts per day divided by the price of a kilowatt = how much is from your aquarium..

example 2 250 watt mh's run 10 hours a day

500 watts
times 10 hours a day
= 5000
divided by 1000
= 5 kilowatts a day.

in a 30 day month. you would use 150 kilowatts

I cant find a pse bill too see what they are charging per kilowatt now. but you with them times the price of a kilowatt by 5 kilowatts a day. this would equal what the cost of your mh in a day
hehehe...good question.

4100 sq. ft. and currently $600+ (I have no gas)

But, what I see is a rate increase over the last year to about $.09/kwh which is approaching Kalifornia rates. Prior to my reef, my Winter bills were topped out at about $200. After the reef was installed, it went to $300, then as the equipment list grew, to $400 for WInter of '06 - '07. Now it has been over $600 for the last 3 months.

My store, which has massive refrigeration, ambient temp. changes, is only $1,200/month so I think I am getting the "Pot Growers' Tax" at my house!! :eek:
Tracy, Just additional $48.60 for gas? Is this right? why cheap? whats included in your gas?

Vicki, thats about right... my friend who came from all electric house, and bought a mixed electric/gas (heat & cooking) is complaining that it cost more to have gas...

Also, yes mine is all electric and no gas...

Dang, how much more for gas? and what is it? cooking and heating?

Diablo, thanks for that mathematical formula, my head is still hurting.... I bought this cheap "KILL-A-WATT" for 20 dollars... And it tells me a lot of info.... But my issue is, I can only use this to those pluggable appliances... and not those hardwired ones and weird socket/plugs... I think those are 240 volts???

Thanks all for all the info...
im still in a bad position... Im betting that its my water heater in the garage....

I made a small experiment... I timed my meter how fast it will go to do a complete turn... well... water heater is number one.... with 6 seconds for a complete turn...

here are the numbers...

New front load dryer = 5 sec (used once a week)
Water heater 50G I think... = 6 sec
Oven = 8 sec (rarely used)
Range = 23 sec (2 times a day)
Aquarium = 28 sec (specs on my sig)
fridge = 1 min 26 sec

I know its a very unscientific approach... CRAP!!!
I think Im still paying too much...

Cesar, your actual test in lieu of ratings is brilliant! I am a power miser, CFs throughout the house, re-use hot water in the sink, short showers, etc. (psycho level green attitude for a reefer)

My power bill goes up and down with the seasons. Last month total was $204 including elec and gas. I do use a wood stove in the living room occasionally and have the wife on a peddle operated electric generator (jk)
I do use a wood stove in the living room occasionally and have the wife on a peddle operated electric generator (jk)

I really hear you Mike. In a third world country where i came, everything counts... So maybe Im paranoid with these electrical bills...

Hey the pedaled powered generator is a great idea.... I have been wanting to DIY this and I already have the generator/motor from ebay...
Check this out...

I even planning of doing a wind turbine just to power the element for the hot water....
and this
Water heater 50G I think... = 6 sec
How old is your water heater? Is it sitting on a styrofoam insulation disk? Are the hot water pipes in your garage insulated?
Old (poorly-insulated) hot water heaters and uninsulated pipes can suck up a lot of energy.
How old is your water heater? Is it sitting on a styrofoam insulation disk? Are the hot water pipes in your garage insulated?
Old (poorly-insulated) hot water heaters and uninsulated pipes can suck up a lot of energy.

Heating water is a huge percentage of everyone's electric bills. Takes a lot of BTUs to raise the temperture of something as massive as water especially compared to something with as little mass as room air.
Yes they are on insulation disk. and pipes are insulated. and i think they are less than 10 years old.
3600 SQ FT. 240 gallons tank, 6 computers, 2 plasma TV's, electric stove and range. I hit around $180 every 2 months. I consider myself lucky as hell to live in a state with nearly free electricity. My electric bills in So Cal were $480ish A MONTH!
i have the same question Eric??? is taht electric without gas? do u have gas? if yes how much?