how often you feed your fish

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2013
south tacoma
How often you feed your fish, and what are you feeding.
I'm feeding once daily and having horrible time Controlling my nitrates.
I feed mainly frozen. Lately its been a mix bag from winco of octo and squid.

I try to feed every other day or so.
There will b times ill go three days with out. :(
I feed frozen twice once in the morning once at night. Then an auto feeder feeds at noon. I just make sure that all of the food can be eaten in 1-2 minutes.
I feed twice daily. As soon as I get home in the evening and then again about 7:30 pm. Frozen and flake.
twice daily unless I skip one for some reason, on rare occasion I might skip a day, or at most two, but that is only if I don't see the tanks with lights on.
I feed mostly frozen, sometimes with selcon, and NLS pellets(always with selcon). Out of blender mash right now, so the are stuck eating getting store bought stuff.
i feed my fish 3 times a day. 4pm i feed flake food. 7 pm i feed 2 sheets of seaweed for my tangs. 8 pm i feed frozen brine and flake food. i dont always feed frozen food. i would say every 3 days or so. i like to keep my fish fat and happy. lol
I usually feed my fish once daily when I get home from work at 10:45 pm. The lights turn on a little while after I leave for work. I feed pellets and I make sure that nothing goes into my overflow.
I'm on the take that I don't feed them and make sure it is all gone, in nature they eat as soon as they can get a meal and it may be a small meal or a large meal. So I feed less than what they can eat in one sitting but may feed more frequently or i may go a while without feeding at all.