soda water, vinegar, baking soda, added aeration seem to be ways to lower ph levels... some of these methods lower alk at well... some raise alk dramatically
soda water = lowers pH only and has no effect on Alk
vinegar = Lowers pH but will end up raising Alk
baking soda = raises Alk and lowers pH initially and them will raise the pH it back up a tad after the CO2 is blown off/expelled.
aeration = raises the pH only form expelling CO2 and has no effect on ALk
baking soda ....this should increase my alkalinity while lowering my ph levels without the carbonate bicarbonate in my buffer.
Baking soda is bicarbonate. How much bicarbonate and carbonate there is in a system is a pure function pH. The pH will only initially lower then go back up. As pH rise there is a conversion from bicarbonate to carbonate and as the pH lowers there is a conversion of carbonate to bicarbonate.
Level of CO2 vs Bicarbonate vs Carbonate, as a Function pH. (the higher on the graph the more there is)