how to make makeup water? Kalkwasser?

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May 31, 2005
near Venice beach CA
should i aerate it for a day first after it comes out of the RO/DI unit?

how long to aerate after adding the salt?

is it better to let it aerate?

what is the proper way to mix salt water?

what is the best way to mix Kalkwasser water? aerate, stir, powerhead? how long after making before adding?
Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!!

This is how I mix up water for a water change. RO/DI goes into a brute garbage can, then I stick a pump in it, and start adding salt. I have a routine down, so I know about how many cups go into the water. But, I check the salinity often to make sure I'm on target. Once I reach my desired salinity, I add any additives to make the water balanced with the tank. I let the pump circulate the water for at leat 24 hours. Put a heater in, recheck the salinity, and do the water change. For kalk, I mix it up in a gallon jug by shaking it, let it sit for about 8 hours before it is added to my doser, then it sits a while longer before it is dripped in. Here is an article about kalk: What Your Grandmother Never Told You About Lime
And for make up water for evap. I just pour rodi in the sump. I use vinager in my kalk, so I can shake the heck out of it with out it precipitating. Steve
thanks! the lime water article is great. i printed it out and am on my way out to sit by my koi pond and read it.

can i add too much calcium using the kalkwasser? i have only started to use it the last week or so after my pH dropped to 7.6.

my pH has come up to 8.0-8.1 with daily additions of Kalk.

my tank is all softies.

how do i add KH capacity along with the Kalk?

Kalk adds Ca and Alk in a balanced manner. If you are low on Alk or your tank is taking up Alk faster than Ca then you can supplement the Kalk with a dose of Alk buffer, Baking Soda, or Baking Soda/Washing soda mix (I believe it's 6 parts Baking soda to 1 part washing soda to get the equivalent of the commercial buffers).