How to plumb a tank!!! With HOB over flow boxes Using Pvc

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Jun 17, 2007
around there really
Well first off the hardest part was getting the lids off the dang primer and the cement Whoo glad i put trash bags down, i had to beat the lid off with a wrench!!:lol: i took a pic but i cant find it!!

any way all you do is get pvc cement and primer. I used regular pvc cement and..

i was unaware that i guess you add the cement to one side and the primer to the other before bonding them or pushing them inside each other this is what i thought you did with the primer...[
ohh i found a pic of my glue can after i had to literally beat the top off

thanks to my awesome friends here on reef frontiers i soon realised that this here was the correct way to prime the pvc right before you bonded each end toget her..

simply put the glue on the other end that my finger is coming out of..

and add it to the bottom of your over flow box like soo..

this is pretty much waht you do for the rest of the process making sure every thing is straight and tight and in good and secure

the over flow box i have required a 1 inch fitting along with 1 inch pvc sch 40 plumbing the long tubes you will need also to direct your water along with 45s and 90s.45s work alot better on your return if you plan to plumb your return back into the tank because they dont cut the flow rate down like 90s do on the return.[

For the return i recommend using a union joint seen here..
just incase you may wanna go with a bigger pump for later or if you wanna maintance it!!! etc...

the best advice i could give if plumbing any tank is do a dry run first before the glue to make sure everything is gonna fit where you want it to look right and good and anything else custom you may want!!!

make sure there is good ventilation also if your like me and its cold out side and you gotta build stuff in your den.. cause this stuff smells messes with your nervous system..

so here is how the rest of my diy hob over flow box pvc plumbing job went

Hope this helps!!!, and once again thanks to my friends at reeffrontiers . com!!! couldnt have did it with out them

1 more thing you can do to increase flow if you cant afford lock line like me right off you can kinda crimp your return valves with some plyers or something to kinda squeeze them toget her this kinda creates the effect of some one holding there thumb over a garden huh

ok heres the rest of how i did my set up...



These holes in this pvc plumbing pipe is gonna go into the intake chamber in my refuge and go all the way to the bottom under alot of live rock and kinda cause a cool effect coming back up just for my



there is not yet a refuge in there which kinda makes it hard to understand soo the two pipes that are on the right side of the pic almost touching are the intake pipes i just wanted 2 of them cause i thought it would look cool and have the double effect of the thing that happens because of the drilled holes, its all a real simple process, the plumbing on the left is the return pump



im also plumbing the left side of the tank but tonight i ran out of plumbing so i gotta finish it next weekend but i hope you get the idea and i hope you reefers have as much fun learning from it as i did doing it thank you to all!!!

sorry had to erase alot of pics i took to guide you through i can only post 12 at a time i had 25
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Don't know If I saw it all but looking like your getting it just to be clear you put primer on both ends of the Plumbing then glue on top of that on both ends. The pipe end & the connection inside?
Don't know If I saw it all but looking like your getting it just to be clear you put primer on both ends of the Plumbing then glue on top of that on both ends. The pipe end & the connection inside?

hey thanks and I did not know that I just put one on one end and 1 on the other but I just glued a couple parts to get her the other parts are just there to make sure it was gonna work thanks man

Primer and glue on both ends from now on

LOL thanks krish you helped me out alot now maybe this thread will serve as a good help link when noobs like me are wanting to plumb a undrilled tank

Thanks again