hypo with anemone??

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Oct 24, 2010
Olympia, Washington, United States
As the thread says, we are wanting to treat fish in our QT tank for ich with hyposalinity. However, we have a new rock that we received from a friend with two GBTs that we have sitting in there as we haven't made space for it in the QT.

Can we treat fish with hypo with the nems in there or will it hurt/kill them? We attempted to take the anemones off yesterday using methods posted on this forum but with no success.

Hyposalinity will kill the anemones, as well as anything else, that's not fish. You want to do hyposalinity in a separate tank, as it will also kill a lot of the beneficial life, in your live rock, kick starting a cycle.

Oh wait, I'm confused. You currently have the anemone in your QT tank? You'll want to put it in the display tank, before doing hypo, in the QT tank.

Aim a powerhead at the anemone. It'll get irritated and start to move. When it is moving, it has a weaker hold, on the rock. Gently try to get a fingernail up under it's foot and "tickle" it's foot. Eventually, it'll start to release and you can gently peel it off.
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LOL It won't matter where you put it. The anemone will move anyway... Bubble Tipped anemone are notorious movers/wanderers. They'll move all over your tank, until they find their "happy spot." While this is going on, be careful to protect it from powerheads, as they can easily get sucked into one and shredded.
You can also try and hold the rock just out of the water slowly lifting , kind of like the tide is going out. I have had the Anemone come right off. This does not work with a heavy rock and please do no drop the rock.
Ha! Yeah.. I wouldn't be too happy about the BF rock getting dropped. We'll stick it in the display tomorrow. I don't have any powerheads, so no worries. They should be safe. I might need to find a home for one of them. I'm not so sure our 75 can support three anemones. But hey - just MAYBE one of my clowns will bump into one and figure the hosting thing out.
I have done this to get the Anemone off a rock when the person wanted the BF rock back. LOL Usually works if you have not been messing with it, I think it just thinks the tide is going out and does not want to be left high and dry... If the rock came from a good tank there should be nothing harmful on it. I just thought you where trying to dip the rocks too. Maybe it will work for someonr else.
You can always feed Anemones small chucks of fish and shrimp. As far as hosting that is so "Nemo". I have had some clowns totally ignore the Anemone until one day it got into a power head and immediately both fish raced to it aide and started to tent to the injury. Did not leave it after that. I have all so seen them host mushrooms, hammers, frog spawn and everything else but the Anemone. They can be funny or is frustrating?
They are funny and sweet. Just wanted them to find a "home". Before spending 4-5 weeks in the QT tank, they used to just race back and forth in the display.. never really being calm and seeming as though they were enjoying life. Now they hang out together and seem relaxed. But still..no hosting. Not to a rock, heater, coral or anything. Maybe they are fine. But I'm just a mom and want all my babies to be happy.
I'm right there with you mom....we just want the children to be happy. They will find it in time. My saddle back is an old gal. She never had an anemone till about 6 months ago. She figured it out. She doesnt host it like most clowns but she dives in once in a while and its so cute. Give them time.
You really don't want any live rock in a QT system undergoing hypo. Use a flowerpot or similar.
Hypo will sterilize the rock and it will add poultion to the QT as stuff on it dies.
Thanks. Well we already had two pieces of our 'uglier' LR that went through hypo already.. so what's done is done I suppose. We really like these two new pieces so will get them moved over and put the PVC pipes back in.