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I've only heard good about the Dolphin Ampmaster pumps.

That's good to hear.:)

The reason someone would do dual 2" suctions, then only have a single return (be it the 1 1/2" output of the pump), is so that either of those suctions, won't be sooo strong, to suck a fish into the intake. Okay, so that didn't really sound like what I meant??? Anyways, if a fish happens to wander too close to one of the intakes for your closed-loop... by having the redundancy, neither of those suctions will be sucking soo hard that a healthy fish won't be able to break away from that suction.

I guess I never thought of that, do you think it would cause too much suction if I split the two drains off and did two closed loops? Or would I be better off using a stronger pump and keeping it to one?
I'm running a Hammerhead for my closed loop... so about 5500gph there. The Ampmaster 3000 will give you about 3000gph.

In my tank, I think the 5500gph does well. I do want to put a MBV (Motorized Ball Valve) on it, so the flow would be fully to the 3 bottom returns, then the 3 upper returns, for more of a randomness.

As for weather you should try 2 seperate pumps for your closed loop. NOT if you are wanting to save on power consumption. If you want (or need, depending on what type of tank you want this to be... i.e. SPS) more flow, that other dolphin pump (the unknown 2.4a, 260W) sounds fairly close to the 3000... so yes, using that for a 2nd closed loop could work also. Just be sure you have large enough suctions in your tank so a fish can get lose if it does get to close.
Well I think I have my flow figured out, I will run the Dolphin 2100 for the sump return, the ampmaster for the closed loop (for now), a little giant (1000gph) for the chiller, and a mag 9.5 for the skimmer.

After calculating the power consumption I should be able to run everything on one 20A circuit which was my goal as long as the pumps don't all come on at the same time (that is going to be a problem during a power outage, I'm still working on it). I will be running without a refugium for a while until I rebuild the sump sometime. I might get to that before I am done with the rest of the setup but I am not going to worry about it for now.

Thanks everyone who has helped me up to this point, I still have a ways to go before I can put water in my tank so I still have lots of questions. I have almost all the coraline cleaned off the tank and am preparing to start working on the stand, I will post pictures as progress continues.:)
( i've had to change out the seals already on my Dolphin after only 6 months of use). I have had success with the new heavy duty seals that I paid $80 for though.

that is the only problem with Dolphin pumps. Especially the older generation ones. The amp master motors are awesome. I was/ am the Pacific Northwest Dealer for Dolphin and the price tag of the new abrasive proof seal was a major sticking point with me and them. The new seal works great but the price sucks.
I have a 3 to 4 year old ampmaster 3000 that still runs full time, quiet and no leaks. Guess i got lucky. I really like the pump and will buy dolphin again in the future.
I have a 180 acrylic 6x2x2 with a top bracing similar to yours. I use three 250watt mh evenly spaced on PFO perpindicular refelctors. The middle bulbs sits about 6 inches directly over the center bracing, I have a lot of airflow and have not had any problems with damage. I am now however contemplating cutting the middle piece out of center bracing leaving two inch supports on each side to allow for better light penetration. Have you cut yours and if so what is the best tool to do so?
Here is the latest on my tank life: I simply cannot afford a 180, I know it's sad but we recently found out that my wife is expecting our first child:) so it has come down to a decision between having a kid and finishing my tank. Except that it isn't a decision because the kid is already on the way:rolleyes:. I could put the tank in storage for a later date but if I resell everything I bought I could pay for the baby without having to go into debt. To make a long story short I am starting up the 55 that I have had in storage and making it really deluxe and, after I finish the stand and canopy for the 180, I will be selling it.
Sgwill122, I would contact IAPBrian for the best recommendations of how to redo your center brace, he is the one who helped me decide how to do it.

ahhh dood :doubt:, well on the good side babies are cute, cuddley and they don't get mad if you hug them to much :D and well with fishes you just can't do that :p.
i guess just do what it's more imporant which it's the baby (in case you were thinking fish tank :lol: )
Good decision moortim. I can't wait to see your 55. I am sure its going to rock!
Congratulation on the baby! My experiences with my little girl far out weigh owning a tank that i would prefer to have.
ahhh dood :doubt:, well on the good side babies are cute, cuddley and they don't get mad if you hug them to much :D and well with fishes you just can't do that :p.
i guess just do what it's more imporant which it's the baby (in case you were thinking fish tank :lol: )

Yeah it wasn't like I didn't see this coming I was just chasing a dream with the 180. I am actually very happy about everything that has been happening and I am way more excited about our coming baby than any new tank.
Thanks Gabs
Good decision moortim. I can't wait to see your 55. I am sure its going to rock!
Congratulation on the baby! My experiences with my little girl far out weigh owning a tank that i would prefer to have.

Thanks man. My 55 will be awsome, I picked up a chiller, 2 x 175 mh lights plus 2 x 36" VHO actinics with a 36" pfo reflector. I will have a hole drilled in the back for a closed loop which will return through two 3/4" sea swirls, one at either end, with a little giant pump. I took all the new equipment for the 55 from the 180 so all is not lost. Once I get this new tank up and running I will post pictures of it.
On the baby front we will know if it is a boy or girl next week so I will have to let everyone in on it.:)