I have a suprise hitchiker

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2006
Southern Ca.
Yes :rolleyes: a mantis shrimp. I think it's been in my tank for at least 6 weeks...somehow it got into my cpr backpac skimmer. When I was getting some cheato for my tang in the main tang he/she fell to the bottom. The skimmer is clear so I saw this bright green shrimp looking thing fall to the bottom. Man are they fast!!!! Well, the only mantis shrimp I'd ever seen before was one that was visiting my lfs and that thing was HUGE looked like half lobster and have mantis! I think it might have been a peacock mantis?

Anyway it was at least 8" long. The one I saw in my tank is about an inch or maybe 1 1/2 inches. I have been reading a lot since last night. Don't see it in the backpac skimmer so I am wondering if it made it into the aquarium or if it is so totally green as to match the chaeto in my minifuge-skimmer. Have tons of snails reproducing - forgot the name at the moment the slugs with fingernail shells and I think I actually might have a couple of turbo babies so I don't think that shrimp has been in the tank...I wonder. Will look in the cheato again today. :cool:

Would love to hear any and all mantis stories as I know NOTHING! :shock:
Curtswearing any comments? Enjoyed your workshop on the mantis. Thanks.
Debbie :D
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Mantis shrimps are considered pests by most........ but not by me! Probably one of the most interesting and beautiful creatures I have ever cared for, these guys are amazing to watch.

Can i suggest to you to set up a small nano tank as a specie only tank for this guy? It would be well worth it if you want to spend the time creating it. I wish I had time to tell you more, but class is starting soon :(

Note: These guys are incredible at hiding, and most of the time you wont even know they are there until you see their eyes poking out of a hole. Most likely it made it back into the aquarium (though it could be hiding in the backpac as well). You will probably hear some "clicking" in the near future if its in the aquarium..... good luck!

And if you really dont want it, catch it, and Ill pay for shipping to have it sentup here to me! :D
When I purchased my live rocks, I had a TON of hitchhikers. Like it was unbelieveable. Of course I had a mantis and a gorilla crab. The gorilla crab decimated my snails and the mantis decimated my clams. Both were eventually removed once I got to the point of all the hitchhikers are gone.