i just cant belive it

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2012
now every 1 laugh at me i made a super noob move and the bad part it has been going on for 4 mos.:tsk: ok it started the day i got the refractometer calibration solution. here it goes i calibrated it to .035 instead of 35ppt. wow that was hard.so yes my tanks have been running at.021 for 4 MOS!! im so mad but glad i caught this. actually explains alot of things. so let me hear it go on kill me. i know its not bad but its not good either on how much coral i have.
You are KING of the SUPER NEWBEE BONE-HEAD moves.
It is a wonder you still have life in your tanks
Those reading are near Hypo salinity!!


We have all made newbee mistakes.
Most will never see this board!!!
Make sure you raise it slowly!!

BTW Did I mention.


There Now I think I have laughed enough for every one!!!
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its ok ill get you bact on saturday. on that note im going to both sales sat morn ill be at barier a 8am to wait in line then got to seakings to buy a clam and a elegance coral. then home to acclimate then off to ur house hopefully by 1pm if not sooner.
its ok ill get you bact on saturday. on that note im going to both sales sat morn ill be at barier a 8am to wait in line then got to seakings to buy a clam and a elegance coral. then home to acclimate then off to ur house hopefully by 1pm if not sooner.

That works for me. I have a honey do list to work on in the morning.

BTW all fun aside. We have all screwed up in this hobby one way or an other.
You know it should take you days to raise your salinity.
im going to raise it over 2 days but think about it u get a fish or a coral from the store they have been in hypo for a lond time to prevent disease. then we take it home and acclimate over an hr or some peeps sooner. what is the difference then raising the salinity of your tank over the coarse of a couple hrs argue that. PEPPIE

just another lil mistake/look over. It happens to the best of us.
C u saturday morning at barrier!
Lol! Almost as bad as my wife who used my salt mix to mix a bottle for our daughter when she was about8 months old and couldn't figure out why she was gagging until she said she used a bottle of water which was my salt mix:p

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im going to raise it over 2 days but think about it u get a fish or a coral from the store they have been in hypo for a lond time to prevent disease. then we take it home and acclimate over an hr or some peeps sooner. what is the difference then raising the salinity of your tank over the coarse of a couple hrs argue that. PEPPIE

This quote is from Lee's sight on hypo sal. treat.

Raising Salinity
Now raise the specific gravity slowly. The raising of the specific gravity is very stressful on fish and this part must be done slowly. It should take 6 to 7 days to return the water to its normal salinity. Raise the specific gravity by about 0.003 sp. gr. units or less, per day. Less is okay. No need to be ultra conservative and go beyond 8 days to do this. BUT in no way try to shorten the time to less than 6 days.

Here is a chart that compares ppm to salinity You my man are not even on the chart. You were way below hypo.
As for what the fish stores keep there water at I can not say.
I will take an educated guess that it is not below 1.23, and your tank is 1.25-1.26 not a big deal in a typical acclimation.
If the store was to keep the salinity lower than that I would buy my fish else were.
You set it at .035?
Or 1.035?

At 1.035 the salt content would be off the charts way too high.
At .035 wouldn't almost be freshwater?
i keep it at 1.027 most stores are at hypo barrier posted signs to tell people this because allot of people killed stuff from there last sale. including myself and a lot of others i know of. if i remember right there was a thread on that. my refractometer is broke up into ones eg 1.023 1.024 1.025 and so is ppt on the other side.
You set it at .035?
Or 1.035?

At 1.035 the salt content would be off the charts way too high.
At .035 wouldn't almost be freshwater?

I think Nick has got his numbers confused. Either one of those readings would have terrible results on reef inhabitants
Just a fwiw, I keep my tanks at 1.023 to 1.024.

When I first started the hobby, 1.023 was the high range of normal.
viseversa. when i calibrated the right way it was at 1.021. read man read then double read the first post. i hate repeating my self
:deadhorse:Hey Nick,
I was just thinking...
You must have thought you were getting a great deal when you mixed your fresh saltwater.
Take a 5 gallon bucket fill full of fresh rodi an add 3 table-spoons of salt!!!!!

Didnt a light bulb go on when you checked the mixing instructions on the box of salt??

Oh yea I forgot, that is the first thing we MEN throw away.

Just thought while you were down there I might as well put in reverse :deadhorse:
i wasnt that far off really i did mix allot of sat to make the 1.021. its not much more in a 5g bucket to reach 1.027