I just got Lasik

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Go WhiteSox!
Aug 17, 2006
I just got home from having Lasik eye surgery done. I was SUPER nervous. The procedure it self wasnt bad. It felt weird at first but they gave me some Zolft and by the middle of the procedure I was in "happy land" :) Its been about 6 hours since Ive had it done and I feel OK. My sight is much better but lights (aquarium lights, stop lights, alarm clock, etc) seem brighter more shiny. Hopefully tomorrow that'll get better. Happy w/ procedure in general.
So who'd you have type this for you? :)

I've long wanted Lasik. We see freeway billboards around here now "Lasik for $250 an eye!*" The "*" is unless you have an astigmatism, which I have. For astigmatism, it's still $3K. Ho hum. Someday.
How many fingers am I holding up? :D Melissa wants this. Let us know how it goes.
what was your prescription before? Lasik is really ment for people in the -1.0 to -5.0 range. When you get out much worse than that, it tends to really increase the light sensitivity.

Thanks guys. I could see immediately after the surgery! I was super sensitive to light though. Im glad I did it. I really needed it. When ever you go to an eye exam and they ask you top read off a chart... I couldn't read the first HUGE letter. This is day two and other than having to put drops in my eyes pretty much every half hour for the first 2 days, its not bad. I now have 20/20 vision!
I had LASIK almost 2 years ago, and am sure glad I finally did it. I met someone who had it done, and she said it was teh best $2000 she ever spent. so I thought I'd look into it. The cheaper special offerings, $200-$300, are for slight prescriptions. For worse eyes like mine, -3.25 in each and astigmatism, They have two options. The latest greatest technology was still around $1200 an eye. The cheaper one, $700-800, uses a little older technology. mine has been corrected to 20-15 for both eyes. One difference in technologies is the light 'haloing'. The expensive tech uses a laser instrument to create the flap they need to fold aside. it makes a more uniform flap that heals quicker. The older tech uses a blade rather than a laser to make the flap...so it may not be as uniform a cut and healing is a little longer....but with what I know now, I wouldn't hesitate to save a few hundred dollars and go with the older technology.

if anyone has even remotely thought about it...look into it further. Most places will give you an exam and discussion of costs and procedures for free.

I'm soooo happy I finally did it. No more contact lens BS, I can see immediately when I wake up in the middle of the night. I can wear sunglasses without hassle of glasses, I can snorkel without vision troubles.
I had it done in Canada about 7 years ago and if I remember right I paid $2000 USD. My eyes were so bad I had to put glasses on to see the alarm clock so let me tell you I was thrilled! I just now had to get a pair of glasses for night time driving, which is the only time I notice the signs dont look so crisp. I'd do it again in a heart beat. Where I work I ended up with 4 referrals, and they all are thrilled too.
The Lasik that I had done was all done with lasers (flap and correction). I gotta say, having the flap cut felt weird! Im at the end of day two. Today is the last day I have to put drops every 30 minutes. Starting tomorrow, its only every 4 hours. Vision looks good. Went to the doctors today, he said that I now have 20/20 vision with my right eye, 20/25 with my left. He said that over the next few weeks my vision should improve a little more and that haloing at night is expected for a couple weeks. Im SUPER glad I did it.
My eyes were so bad I had to put glasses on to see the alarm clock so let me tell you I was thrilled!

I'm glad I'm not the only one. :rolleyes:

I tripped while hiking in the woods one day and my glasses fell off. It took me a half hour of crawling around on my hands and knees with my face inches from the ground to find my glasses in the brush.

I want to have this procedure one day.
The Lasik that I had done was all done with lasers (flap and correction). I gotta say, having the flap cut felt weird!

I had mine done back in May. I had the all laser as well. The worst part for me was when they stuck the suction thing to my eye and everything went black. I have 20/15 in both eyes now, compared with 20/400 before, so I am very happy with it.

When ever you go to an eye exam and they ask you top read off a chart... I couldn't read the first HUGE letter.
HA HA! I am not the only one, I guess. I couldn't read any of the letters either. The doctor would just hold fingers up about 3 feet from my eyes and ask me how many I saw.

Anyways, congratulations on the surgery and welcome back to the world of good vision. Just think, next time you get your drivers license renewed you can have the corrective lenses restriction removed!