I need immediate help in everett my fish are dying!

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what's the difference between ozonier and UV? Ya figures that the little buggers have figured out how to manipulate the system. I was just trying to figure out the benefits of having one on the tank? Hey so if you had the UV the QT bare bottom tank w/o copper of course where are the parasites going to live since there is no sand? Do they just stay on the fish forever?

Yes the copper is not the easiest thing to learn but i figure once I get the hang of it it will be okay to do for next time around.

Should I keep doing 15g water changes? When can I lower the amount?
barrierreefcf said:
Like I said originally, not trying to step on toes. I'll bow out at this point:)
Good luck Jacque!

Hey there. Don't think you should feel like you stepped on any toes.

You gave it an honest opinion.

This is why now, in almost every post, I say IMO...imo...ime...

I have to say, Formalin is a close friend of mine. I will save it for the "Disease" section of the clownfish workshop, though.

You're in good hands Jacque, goodluck with your treatments.

Just my honest opinion...

Kitteness said:
what's the difference between ozonier and UV? Ya figures that the little buggers have figured out how to manipulate the system. I was just trying to figure out the benefits of having one on the tank?
UV is a light that "steralizes" organics while ozone (03) is a gas, both pretty much end up with the same result. There is no reason you cannot add the UV to the main display that is now fishless. It will eliminate some of the theronts and help ensure the problem is gone by the end of the 6-8 week fallow period. Never use either on a QT where meds are being used as Paul indicated.

Be sure you keep the main tank fed during the fallow period. You want to maintain a strong biofilter for when the fish are returned. Not too much, mabye every third day and about ½ the amount of food you normally would. Use small bits of food, nothing large that will sit.

Hey so if you had the UV the QT bare bottom tank w/o copper of course where are the parasites going to live since there is no sand? Do they just stay on the fish forever?
No, the parasite can encyst on any hard surface. Sand and rock are not advisable due to the CaCO3 content. It will sorb the copper making it hard to maintain levels and can interfere with meds in general. Any material can potentialy be home to this type of parasite. Glass, plastics, filter media and so on. On the fish is only one stage, see <<here>>

Should I keep doing 15g water changes? When can I lower the amount?
Let the water quality tests be your guide to how much water needs changing. Most copper compounds will destroy the biofilter save for Cupramine. It will still greatly retard the bacterial reproduction but not destroy it completely. As the days pass, you should notice less and less harmful nitrogen levels. As long as those nitrogens (NH3/NO2) are detectable, do the water changes needed. Once they have diminished/are undetectable you can ease back on the amount and frequencey of the water changes. For now at least, you'll probably need to keep up the larger changes. As I said though, testing will tell you what's needed.

ahh i see that makes sense. I will add the UV to the main tank. So when I switch over to my 210g should I put the UV on there also or leave it off?

Okay I will keep the testing up and and keep doing h2o changes till things balance out.

The fish are starting to look much better now! Yeah! Wow its been all uphill but it is finally starting to show some results.

Thanks so much you guys have been tons of help! I will keep everyone posted and I will post some pictures soon as i find the cable for the camera.
Kitteness said:
So when I switch over to my 210g should I put the UV on there also or leave it off?
Either, your choice. Although there is a good chance the unit you have would be underrated for the larger tank size and not be all that effective. Just remember for them to work properly, they need to be cleaned regularly and the bulb changed about 2x a year.

I would like to add that I made an incorrect statement. Barrierreefcf pointed out to me correctly that the stores in his area do not use copper most of the time. I should have said that the stores in New York that I associate with use copper. Of course I am not familiar with all the stores we all patronize.
Some people feel that copper may effect internal organs of fish. It may, I have no data on that other than my experience. There are also other treatments for ich. All of them work in different ways. I myself use a combination of copper, formalin and quinicrine hydrocloride. Just copper alone will work very well and you probably cant get the quinicrine anyway. I invented mixing it with copper and I do not advise using it, I am just trying to show that there are many ways to treat this disease. Of course all medications will kill you or your fish in the incorrect dose. Chemotherapy used to kill cancer is poison in the wrong dose and I would imagine a slight overdose will be fatal. Copper is a poison to fish and inverts. Fortunately, it is lethal to invertabrates in lower dosages than it is to fish. Paracites are invertabrates. Always use a test kit with copper, an overdose will kill the fish faster than the ich will.
Have a great day.
okay i have been doing everything like suppose to and the fish are doing better but now the coral catfish does not look good at all. Now what should I do take him out and put back into the main tank? I put the uv sterilizer on my main tank today also. So would that help with me chancing the ich by putting him back in the main tank?

I thought he would be okay in the Qt tank? I guess not? He breathing heavy an not moving around just staying in same spot and looks like he struggling to stay swimmin
Don't put the coral cat back in the main tank. He probably still is carrying ich. You may lose him. They don't have scales and don't do as well with copper. If you put him in the tank you will have to start the waiting period all over again. You can try formalin or hypo on him. But don't be surprised if he is dead by tomorrow. Still, I think you did pretty well.
You can't cure all the fish all the time