I need serious lighting help!!!

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Feb 9, 2008
I am new to the hobby and am totally lost. Info overload. I have a 92 gallon corner bowfront tank. I am looking for enough lighting for corals to strive. Because of the shape it is going to have to custom I think?
My question is how much lighting? how much t-5, hqi, metal halide, or what ever else there is???
i would go with a 250w MH with a Lumenarc mini reflector.. that should be enough light for the whole tank
Really only one most guys that i have read have rediculous amout of light? what about combining one 250 with some compact florecent or t-5 for the color. Any input would be great Thanks
Get the best reflector you can. Luminarc, Lumin max to keep all the light pointed back into the tank.

What type of tank? Do you want a Reef, Fish only with live rock?
I want a reef with live rock and a few fish. It is an all glass 92 corner bow front.
i don't think you could fit 2 Lumenarc reflectors over that size tank.. one of those reflectors can reflect some major light.. the tank isn't that wide anyway..it should cover the whole thing.. t-5's are a good idea for adding some actinics
You haven't mentioned what types of corals you're wanting to keep or if you plan to keep clams or anemone. That'll determine your lighting needs. If you're just wanting to keep soft corals and LPS, you could put a compact fluorescent fixture on there. If you're wanting SPS, T5HO will meet the demands of all but the most light demanding Acropora. T5s will also meet the needs of most clams and anemone. Keep in mind that if you go with T5s, it's important to have individual reflectors or a reflector that's molded to wrap around each bulb. Sunlight Supply's Tek 5 is a great choice.
I am very new to this so I don't know what all the abbriviations mean but I do not want to be restricted in what I can put in there. I want to be able to have all types of coral in the tank. I only want to buy lighting once, so i am trying get it right the first time. All your help is appriciated.
I do not know demensions of a 92 bow front. I would assume that two mini luminarcs reflectors with 250 watt metal halides would be perfect to grow anything.
Since you are a newbie. Let me suggest that you research of what corals you want to keep first, then the lights will follow. Go to pet stores, and see what corals interest you. In this approach you will save a lot of your time and money.

The reason im mentioning this is because some people will throw out everything they got to buy the most fancy of the fancy and quit after a few months because they cant stand the constant man hour needed to keep this hobby in tune.

I suggest that you look around, pet stores, fellow reef tanks, then pick what you want. Then come back here and tell us what you want, and we will suggest to you what you need.

Do you like corals that move and dance or whatever? softcorals maybe? or do you want those that doesnt move and looks like thorns? maybe hardcorals? maybe sps in the future?

remember. KISS (keep it simple stupid) approach and "do it once do it right."


You can go with 2x36" T5 for now as you go sharpen your skills. or 4 if you have the budget.
Then later you can "add" MH (metal halide/s) if you want and still use the T5 in conjuction.

or 2xVHO's (I still prefer this but this is just me)

This way you do not waste your precious money and can invest to other really important things. Like "REFRACTOMETER" (only example). Cheap but very very important.

And like Ed said, invest on good reflectors.
the suggestion that you get a lumenarc reflector with a 250 watt metal halide is spot on, i would also add some(at least 2 if not 4) t5 high output bulbs so that you can get the exact color effects you are looking for in the tank. with this combination of lights you will have plenty of watts to grow what you want as well as being able to dial in the color spectrum that you want to look at as well.

do you have a wooden canopy to mount lights in or are you looking for a fixture that will sit/hang on the top of the tank?
On thing to add although mentioned is your hood, if it is stock you have to consider the available room under it or maybe consider a custom hood!
Just a thought because that can be a big issue!