i need some help with setting up my sump

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253 FISH

Active member
May 12, 2010
Tacoma, Washington
:whoo::attention::doh::|:hat::eek2:i have a 90 gallon fish tank and i want to know what type of sump
-protien skimmers
please help me out and i am
looking for lighting for it also please send post pics here and links

all help is thank :flypig::hat:full
Well a there are some great threads for sumps in the new comers forum that Krish and others have done. As far as lighting and Protein skimmers it all depends on your budget.

Great sources for these things include your local club (the PSAS) and this forum once you can access the classifieds.

I have a bunch of lighting equipment laying around so once you decide what you want in lighting letme know.
I have a 90 gal tank also. What I have for a sump is a 40 gal long tank with a couple pieces of glass siliconed in for baffles to create three sections in it. The single piece was taken out and turned over so that the holes are now on the top to seperate the middle section from the return section so that the pump would not empty the middle section.

Has another example here is a sump i am getting ready to build. it is 36x36 on the long legs and 18 on all the others. The height is 18" with 15" baffles

I'm still a newbie at all this so someone can correct me if I'm wrong on something.

I took a 40 breeder and siliconed 4 baffles in it. I have the skimmer section on the left, the return in the center and the fuge area on the right. I had already decided I eventually wanted a SWC 160 cone, so I left enough room for the 160 cone plus several extra inches just in case I wanted to upgrade the skimmer in the future.

I also run a biopellet reactor to the left of the sump with the pump in the skimmer section and the output pointing to the skimmer intake. On the fuge area I run a home depot type cfl light.

Here are a couple old pics:
Notice the stand I built because the skimmer would sit too deep otherwise, shorter baffles would fix the issue.

Old pic with BRS dual reactor:
Hmm that is pretty much Identical to how I set my sumps up. I think you are looking pretty good there.
Hmm that is pretty much Identical to how I set my sumps up. I think you are looking pretty good there.

Thanks! I did a bunch of research before I pulled the trigger on the sump.

253 Fish:
Just a note, all evaporation will impact the return chamber, I'd really recommend some type of auto top off system. A larger return chamber will let you go longer between top offs if you do it manually.

Another thing to be aware of is when you kill your pumps the sump will need enough empty space to handle the flow down to the sump, usually 5-10 gallons depending on your overflow setup and how close to the surface of the DT your return pump output (or siphon break) is.