I need to begin research on which SPS corals and few other species of corals

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Kevin, the first thing I need to do is first make a selection list and from those, the ones in which I favor the most. That would make the least favorable on this list to become scratch from it, for im sure that I should manage a favorite list of some 50 corals in all. Still it will depend much on the corals I do select and how much space they require to keep down aggression.

As I said, I more then 6-8 months or so before the first of the major SPS coral I buy for which I first wish to age the system first with other less lighting requirement or so to do this. I understand all your saying on the correct environment for each coral, which is why the corals I do have on this list, I seen these from other hobbyists and I do research reading on all of them.

And what I not know of their requirements, I will post a list on those asking for any professional view(s) one might be able to assist me with. I was to done most of those few years ago, but I scratched the idea due to the fact that I had no idea on when the tanks would be completed by. I am patient Kevin and I wish to make little to no mistakes on this.

As I once said, this is a whole new deal for me, its the one thing I not had done in the years while in this hobby. Sure, soft corals are far easier to manage, just as F/O tanks, I giving up keeping F/O some seven years ago and I done soft coral reef tanks and now im looking to do something much different then those.

I am in no way feeling that I shouldn't attempt this, I had been in thought about it for some 11-12 years now and in time it all will become a reality. So the question still stands fellow hobbyists, on any rare or beautiful coral you might suggest> And my interest lies with all corals, mostly SPS and I will not be looking for rare corals only in this search.

I don`t know if I post the tanks before, so here, the photos were taking more then a year to 1.5 year ago>



Kevin, I not know of many major players in this of what im doing in all this, but I do know of two major players who will play a role in what coral decisions I make. One if yourself and the other be a person known to others as Mr.Firemouth (Rich) who I must say has already been a great help in his guidance.

I will when the time be that I a list to post it and through your help and his, as well as my lfs person, will get a list together and with all to most the cost, you both can feel some satisfaction on your part that I left out many far aggressive species for which im enough to deal with in maintaining them that as well, im very busy within my family with the kids>

I not simply dive in head first ;)
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Excellent pictures! Very nice looking canopies. One suggestion I might make though is to install a couple of 4" fans on the inside of each end of the canopies. Blowing in at one end and blowing out at the other. This will remove the heat and humidity from the canopy. PFO has a kit that sells for $29.99 which includes the fan, fan guard, and plug. They are quiet and long lasting.

PS: Diving head first into the tank is not recommended it's just too shallow :D
Kevin, could you talk more about this:

One thing I would recommend you consider is to select fewer corals and less rock than usually recommended.

For example, how much less rock than is usually recommended? Are there any husbandry practices that need to change because of this?
Kevin, I do have in mind to have my lfs guy put in fans, his just so many other things to do as well> Also, because I selected so many corals, it not means that I would even have half of those for I do need some space to allow for their growth. There is yet much to do for I told my lfs guy that I would not begin with any coral or fish until I am completely satisfied>


Im with all three kids today, so I got to get of this computer :)
As a rule of thumb 50% or slightly less than the height of the tank is a good amount. There is not really a weight/gallon ratio as different types of live rock have different densities. This allows for coral growth to about 50% of your tank height.

If you look at the picture of my home tank you will notice that I lowered the rock about 12" on the left end.
Also if you look at the store 450 it has much less rock and more arches.

I seen many SPS tank system appeared to be well over stock, this however isn't one of my ideas> I need to get some type of selection together and it not will mean that I would end up with that single type of coral. The idea here is more to see that I might get as near to far greater in color of that species.

This for me if I not explained it well enough, is a huge step in a new direction and I plan not to move a long with blindfolds on and simply stock with any coral that I can put in these tanks, I want room for the fish inhabitants as well to have ample room to swim between corals and not simply over them. I will use my lfs guy to accomplish just this.

As for the corals that I find nothing on that are at other rare coral sites, I will provide my lfs guy with the link to these sites with the corals I would be interested in if my system is ideal for them. I will not however buy the coral just because of its beauty.

I hope that this in my best way to better tell you all, that im no fool in what I do, and yes, I am not immune to error for that tends to happen even to the best of SPS Coral keepers.

For right now, its time for me to look more into they type of corals I desire the most, and being as well that I cannot located ever species of these corals, when and if my lfs gets a rare or beautiful SPS coral in and im still the room to make some additions, they would call me on it. I will not be stocking these tanks in just a few months.

I think I explained something on that detail of a number of corals my LFS people will get in and hold for a month for any possible hitch hikers. I not spoken to him as yet on this idea of mind, or I should say that it was Mr. Firemouth idea more or less.

As I said, there be still many things to finish up these tanks, the replacement sump on the 240 and the MH lights on both tanks, I protective netting across the back of the 180. cooling fans added to the canopies, phosphate reactors and calcium reactors and on the 180 the reactor needs repairs of some type and the list goes on. I told my lfs guy that I will not begin to stock these tanks until im satisfied on the completion of these tanks.


PS, the LR in the tanks are stacked some 12-14" high
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Hey Buddy,

With those canopies, I would recommend using the Sunlight supply Lumenmax reflectors. You could aquascape with the rock about 6 inches off of the bottom. You will be able to use less lights which will produce less heat and you will get plenty of penetration. In due time, your corals (especially any staghorns) will fill in the rest of the space beautifully!:D
Sometime later on, I must take a few photos as the tanks are right now, the lights will be 250 watts MH with reflectors or however were to call it. I was a while back thought that I had no other choice but to quit the hobby for things were not getting done as I was promised that it would. I also need some one these days to do my tank setup for im no longer able to do most of these things like I once done. But no matter of this in which im wishing to do, im sure that my lfs guy will not short change me as to have something that would do me no good.

So its not as if I was going to place these corals myself, so with that you need to feel that the guy that will do this has much background himself for Mr.Firemouth agreed that I have me a good lfs person.

The coral search is happening now and I realize that I will not get the same exact piece of coral that the color could be off somewhat. And I will say it again that we will order some 8-12 to be split between both reef tanks some every three months.

When this is to happen, I will take a series of photos and I will make it known with my lfs guy that I will also want the corals both common and scientific names for my records so that I will as will keep a folder with these names with a photo of the corals which I get from the Internet. I need to keep a complete photo record of both reef tanks with all purchasing dates and the species as well as the maintenance for the tanks for I could never remember all in which I will be doing with these tanks. Shucks, I even forget at times the day of the week it is like today, I told my son-in-law that being the kids will be home next week that if he needs to go in too his office Monday morning and he said yes, but I thought tomorrow would be Monday. It has to be a scary thought, having someone like me to watch your kids all by myself not even knowing the day of the week.


PS. The question I have right now is if that a AquaZone Ozone Generator w/Controller, 200 mg/hr be necessary or not when keeping SPS corals? That how many who use this and for how long?
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Hi Buddy,
I just noticed the PS at the end of your last post :rolleyes:

Although ozone is certainly not required for keeping SPS corals it can be a very useful tool when used properly. I don't think however that the unit you propose is very useful long term and your money could be better spent elsewhere.

Kevin, Thanks and I sometime after posting it learned that its not so necessary a tanks equipment for which more wrong could occur then good if one isn't careful. My coral search moves on nevertheless and im seeing that more often the names for these corals are often changed from one person to the next or sites for that matter.

Still just the same, I will get a list of some kind together here and even if my LFS person order sheet on SPS coral names come out somewhat differently, he would still however have a good idea to what I would mostly like to have.

Also that when he gets some rare corals in, which I not believe be often and he will keep me in mind for he knows that im not squeamish to spend a few hundred for a coral here or there. I think that I mentioned that he right now has this trumpet coral that is huge and sells for $200, it is a beauty I must say :) If only the tanks were ready :mad:

Kevin, His again, I not much time right now and I will soon enough do something a bit differently with a link I was told about to load photos of corals for assistance in the proper coral ID. For the biggest problem is the many common names for the same coral in which is making it difficult to make much of a coral selection.

I will number the coral pics with the name I found with these photos and with that, I will be told of your views of what be best to keep as a coral selection or not, and also I would need to know which corals which I might be able to start with the tank once ready and the other corals after a 5-6 month period for the tanks to age.

Right now I have some 400 photos to go through and I will select the ones as best I can without having many copies that I like to know if would do well, be ideal for the tanks I have.

wwwoouu i can't believe i've been missing this thread :eek: .
I think you're doing great on researching on the corals you want.
I'm gonna tag along since i'm still learning about sps dood :) .
Just to tag a long, its a free country still :D Still you need to know that many of the corals do carry a bit different name depending on where you look, which is why I will paste a link that will host the images for with most the names I have, I am that is be covering the same species a good number of times, in which is why the decision to have pics of the coral and if any name I to go with it. So do stand by, for in the next day or so, I hope to have it done.
