I need to trim my xenia

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2006
Southern Ca.
I have some pom-pom xenia that is branching out where I don't want it to. Can I just cut those branches off? If so where exactly? right next to where the other stalk is? I have never done this before. Then can I just stick the cut pieces in a nice hole in my LR?
Thanks in advance :)
When I did my first zenia I was cautious.

Well now I just reach in there and rip it out. Trust me...

It will survive
I asked this question about a month ago. Here is what I was told and what I have learned:

Before I start I get a small container with some tank water in it, a fresh razor blade, and put some rubble rock in the container.

1 cut per day, per tank and run carbon is what they recommended. I have bent the 1 cut rule, but only after I got better at cutting.

Quick clean cuts, close to the live rock. I used a pair of scissors the first time and the xenia lived. From then on I've used a razor blade to get closer to the rock, and I found they recover a lot faster this way. I try to get it into the container as fast as possible to prevent waste from getting in the tank.

As for placement of the xenia, they said to cut it in a way that there is a small sliver of rock on it's foot, and use that to glue it to a bigger piece of rock. I have yet to master this method. I use rubberbands or toothpicks to hold them on the rock and they fully attach in about 2-3 days.
You will get the guts to do it when they grow so fast you cant keep up.
And I would NOT recommend to cut them off the stalk. It will grow back right there. You have to peel it ALL off to get it out of the places you dont want it.

This stuff is tougher than you think.
Kewl website. How about if I don't want to take the part attached to the rock off I just want to prune it? Is it slimey after cutting or slicing? "This xenia is right next to my BTA.
More help please. Like after I cut off the part I don't want on the parent plant I should keep it in a seperate bit of water from the tank for how long?
Thanks for reading this :)
Hey Deb if you are wanting to keep what you cut than you can do anything you want with it.
It doesnt have to go into seperate water. Just mount it on a rock. Yes it is somewhat slimey but no worse than a mushroom.

I guess what I have been trying to get at is dont be afraid to mess with this stuff. Cut it, pull it, tear it, mount it. You wont hurt it a bit, nor will it hurt your tank.
Ohh -and the smell of the slime they produce - OMG - the fishiest fish smell I've run into in a long time :) Good luck with your haircut!
Thank you all for the kind words and advice. Anthony C. I have a question for you. The xenia I need to cut (because it is branching too close to my BTA) is growing out of a main stalk. Can I cut it like I would cut a big branch off of a tree or do I need to take the whole "tree" out from the rock?

Thanks in advance :)
You can cut a piece off, or cut the whole thing off, whatever suits you most.
However, I NEVER cut my xenia.
I keep rock rubble around so that as the xenia grows, I place the xenia up against the pieces I want to remove and they will climb up onto the rubble. Then it's merely a case of removing the rubble to wherever I want the xenia, or, in my case, I sell all I grow to one of the LFS's here. This method does not leave any residue to grow another from the spot it removed itself from.
It is easly to do this because xenia want's to always go upwards towards the light, so with the rubble next to it and higher than where it is based presently, it instinctively climbs up onto the higher piece of rubble.
If you don't want your xenia to spread, make sure it is on a high point, with downward slopes all around, and nothing close enough for it to contact outwards as it grows larger, as I have never seen it move downward in the years I've been raising this weed.
I wish I could make as much money with the weeds in my lawn.
if you don't want the colony wholly removed, then yes... you can cut a branch off the stalk very much like a tree (the only exception is if its Heteroxenia... they can be sensitive to large cuts)
Thanks rayjay!

First I wanted coralline, then I wanted xenia now they both grow where I don't want them :rolleyes: but I am thankful they grow. Thankful they grow....for now :lol::lol:
I do not know the Latin name. It is pink Pom-pom xenia. Tank raised. I did the moron cycle and rearanged all my rocks and now I have xenia on several different rocks....I can see how this could become a problem....