i think i got liked shocked or posioned or something

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May 14, 2005
i was fraging some zoos the way ur probably not suposed to with a razor and was trying to cut the rock under neth them and after cuting through several on accident i got like 6 or 7 frags glue to a rock and after i got up i think i was either posioned or shocked or watever they do cause my back got all tight and was all dizzy and nausuos either that or i was just hella tired for some odd reason but it was odd so huh..........

anyone else had something odd like that happen to them
BMX get your butt to the hospital, those zoos are brutally toxic (nuerutoxin sp?) and can kill ya dead. No joking buddy. I have seen a few folks come close to death and or blindness from them, you HAVE to wear gloves.

now get going

Like Mikey said BMX , get going. Tell them it may be Palytoxin from palythoa genus zoathids. Those buggers CAN kill you.

:shock: hmm ya i think i'm just gonna let my zoos grow wherever they want i don't think i wanna go through that.
Anyways what's the "right" way to cut them ?
or do you just cut the rock? because i really have no clue how to do it :oops: and i have tons of them :shock:
BMX - please get to a doctor ASAP. and as stated, tell them you were working with a coral containing palytoxin. Let us know how you are doing.

For those reading this thread and don't know about this toxin.....always wear gloves when working with Zoanthids. Protective eye wear is a good idea, too. I know of one reefer that was fragging and got squirted in the eye while working with zoanthids...he ended up in the ER.

Here is a thread with some more info: Let's Talk About ~Reefkeeping Dangers~
BMX let us know how you are doing :( ok and don't ignore this.. because really these people are experts and if they say go to the doctor.. go
Now Nikki you are scarying me and thank you for the info.
i guess from now on i'm gonna start using globes :oops: and glasses
ok if it was that deadly i think i might have been just really tired cause it was like two days ago and im fine now so a yea
Glad you are fine.

Gabriela - just understand that caution should be used. Even the nudibranchs that feed on these things can have some of the palytoxin in them. The critters we keep have some amazing defense mechanisms, don't they? Whether it is secreted toxins or venomous spines. Awareness can take you far.
I am glad you are okay. Read up on palytoxins to learn how they work (stopping ion pumps).

I think the chance you did experience a poisoning is very good. I have had mild run-ins with toxins in my tank leading to Anxiety like symtoms like rapid heart beat, forced breathing and so on. It did feel like I just got really tired yet anxious at the same time.

You are definately out of the woods, but pick up some gloves!! ;)
I tore down and sold my large reef tank this winter partially because I kept mildly poisoning myself. Now I just keep seahorses with a few mild corals. I never felt I had to go to the doctor, but I missed several mornings at work. For safety, I asked my doctor to indicate in my file that I kept a reef, just in case there came a problem and I couldn't communicate, and they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.
Angelscrx said:
I would still get to a doctor and have them check you out. Get gloves and cut zoos out of water.

I see no reason for that, other then wasting some money. The doctor won't be able to tell anything well after the fact other then how much he's billing you :) From what you tell him, he'll just say, "well could be, or it could be an anxiety attack or simply exuastion." The DR most likely will have ZERO clue about palythoa toxin anyways, so if you ever do go, bring a print out of one of the many informative threads on the various reef forums around.

I've been "poisened" a few times working with em on a commercial scale, and it never was a near pass out situation for me. LIke some one else said, it was more of an anxiety attack type symptons. Repeated exsposure I've been told isn't something you want to do, so like all else have said, where gloves, eye/face protection, and always frag in a seperate container. I frag under a plastic shield now after getting squirted one too many times in the face. The run to the sink sucks, and the anxiety of "did I, or didn't I get exsposed' bites as well :D
So do you build up a tolerance? First time I got pretty sick with the back pains (felt heavy in the lower back). Felt feverish and had faint spells for a couple days. I think ive accidentally did it a couple times after and it wasn't so bad.
It seems that reactions can vary quite a bit. I know that a bee sting is not the same thing but it is a venom reaction. My husband and I have had many encounters with bees as a previous beekeeper with a variety of reactions. Most reactions were the normal venom reaction with swelling and fever but one time Jud got stung and over the next hour his vision turned to black and white and eventually faded to total black. This vision blackout lasted for about 4 hours and then slowly faded back in. Future stings did not result in this same reaction. Another example would be expecting all electrical shocks to be the same... one time you may get a tingle and the next time you could be killed.