I wanna talk "current" (ac)......

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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2006
Hi guys,

I am soooooo excited, just finished my 4x65 retro, put side by side with another 2 x 65 long and hung it from the ceiling.......no more dropping lights or possible electricution!

Seriously how much can I have on one outlet. All I know about electricity is if you plug it in and it works you're good to go.

Assuming you don't want anyone to get into a long discourse on "OHM's law" and the ratio of amps to watts or volts v/s amps and put everyone to sleep.I am not an electrician,:oops:but... The basic question is how many Amperes (total electrical current as in flow) are being pulled through an entire circuit and not just one plug. Most likely the entire room of plugs is on one circuit if not more. If the amps exceed the system rating, the circuit breaker or fuse blows. If inside a house, probably 10-20 amps. The amount af amps a few low watt (power rating) flourescents pull is very miniscule. You will know something has a large need when it dims or slows the other items on the circuit when charged. I would safely assume that all is A-OK in most cases. Now if you had an airconditioner, chiller, a couple heaters, some large pumps and then also plugged in the trusty carpet vacuume cleaner, probably would blow the circuit:idea: :mad:
Thanks smart-bass. That's exactly what I needed to know. I didn't even think that the breaker would trip if there was a problem ddduuuuuh!

Does smart-bass mean you are a bass fisherman? My hubby is an avid fisherman (freshwater though)....

Hey Todd, they are GREAT! Funny you ask today, my hubby and I just finished putting together. I used an old flourescent fixture housing and suspended from ceiling along with my old light. It was 2 x 65 long. I am so proud of myself and couldn't believe how easy it was. I could just kick myself for messing with and juggling lights for so long. I'll try to put pic in. If not will try to put on my gallery.

The jury's still out on bulbs. My girlfriend dropped them first (on tile), I dropped them second (on carpet), but only broke one bulb. I think you did an excellent job of packing.

Question: How come you have all actinic bulbs?

Thanks again,
LOL sorry to hear they got dropped :( those are spendy.
Its great to hear that you have done something with those things. Lets see a pic some day!

I had all actinics because I have 2 250W halides. The 14K Hamilton lamps I use are really white in color so I had those 4 actinics to add the blue. Now I use 330W of VHO actinics.
I went to FAQ's for attachments, it says to hit the attachment button at bottom of composition page - how do I do it in a post????? I don't see an attachment button!

No, but I guess I'm gonna go try. I downloaded the thingy to resize, that was a big step! I'll go now and checkout photobucket. Someone told me about it at the same time and I was too overwhelmed.


Let me see if this worked......

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How's that!!!

Now I'll probably go crazy with pics!!!

Can anyone tell me if this is just a giant bristle worm???

Hey Krish here's a new one -- that worm pic is from the bottom of my 29 FOWLR. It is now 1/2 barebottom. I thought I would sneak up on it I guess!!!:lol: :lol:
ROFL!! Yeah, that looks like either a bristle or fire worm. I took a few pics here of some out in the wild. Here they are...:)

Are those bristle worms or fire worms. I understood fireworms had white plooms on both ends like pacsaddles (sp?).

I've decided not to freak, I think the general opinion is they are good.


Aren't you proud of my picture insert!!!!???
LOL!!! Yeah...I'm proud of ya:p I'm not sure which is which, but I think in my pics, the first one is the bristle worm and the second a fire worm. Whatever you do, don't touch it with your bare hands:eek:
Don't worry, I hate worms in any form. I won't be touching it even if I have to trap it and trash it.

Later all - it's waaaaay past my bedtime!