I want a clam...

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Nov 10, 2009
I was wondering if there is any special requirments I need to have a clam in my tank? I have a 24 gallon aquapod w/original light, chiller, skimmer and k1. For livestock I have a pair of clown fish, one flame hawkfish, sea urchin, hermit crbs, snails, and frog spawn coral.

Any help would be appreciated.
I've had a clam in my little elos 29 g tank since I set it up in September. I have a vortec mp 10 for flow, and elos LED and a small fuge with skimmer. I have two clowns and a yellowtail damsel (named Petey), an anemone, emerald crab and numberous corals.
I feed the tank phytopure every other night and my clam is very happy.
my clam is very happy have had it about 2 months and it has grown roughly 1/4 inch in shell. cal 500 ,250w reflux 20k light with 3500gph flow in tank. i feed phytofeast everynight since i have alot of corals.
Many do well, but I would not recommend putting any clam in a nano nor keep one until very experienced. Clams are a very advanced species.
Clams are cool though. Maybe I should work on getting some soft corals first...

Absolutely! Soft corals are pretty easy if you read up on em, they teach you about keeping corals and clams, and are fun to watch as they sway in the currents, catch food, and GROW!

Later you can swap them for other cool stuff. GO4IT!