i want an eel

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Oct 8, 2007
is it safe to put a snow flake eel in a reef tank. i have a yellow tang ,atlantictang, maroon clown,wrassers,and really no small fish what your thoughts
Reef eel

Get an engineer gobie you'll never no the differance,and the eel can stay in the ocean where his predatory needs can be met.Only get's 1/5 the size of an ell,and won't eat your shrimp,fish,etc.
no mention of escape that was the only thing i was thinking i have seen really small snowflake awsome i want one but worry about escape
i had one for a while in a reef and it would let my cleaner shrimp in its mouth and clean him, but it is hard to say. their eyesight is terrible and they will snap at anything that resembles food. so it is definitley a gamble
Yeah I had a 3ft snowflake eel in my 120 covered but not weighed down. I came home one day and it was slithering around on my floor. i don't think it was out of the tank for to long becasue it was still alive. So needless to say I had to return him back to the LFS.
Thats cool. I think snowflakes look great. I have never owned one but I hear they are good at creating avalanches in the tank. I hope it works out well for you and him/her. Show us some pics please!
I have two eels in my 85g--a snowflake and a banded--and they both do great. I don't have a cover and there has been no escape problems in the 3 months I had them. The one time the snowflake DID jump out, it was my fault. I spooked him. Other than that, haven't had a problem. I have a bunch of chromis and some other fish almost bite-size for them, but the maroon clown is the more aggressive animal in the tank. I feed the eels silversides daily by hand and they swim right up, gently poke around until they find the fish, then swim into the rocks. they're great.
I had a small snowflake many years ago in a fish only tank and he ended his life on the floor behind the tank. Then about two years ago I bought another one about 15"-18" and had him in a tank with a couple fish, blue leg hermits and cleaner shrimp. They do have terrible eyesight and will strike at anything moving when you are feeding, but he never ate or injured any fish or inverts. The problem I had was, he would move very large pieces of LR like a 15lb piece(BB tank), and knock things over. so I returned him to the LFS when I decided to go to a reef, also I was scared he might crack the tank while he rearranged it. Other than that they are very cool and fun to feed by hand(tongs).
Oh ya, Also I have heard stories of guys having found their eels dried up(to a point anyway, not like spending a week there) on the floor and put them back in and they lived. So, if you do find him out you might give him the benifit of the doubt and see if he makes it. The stories were just that though, stories I've never seen it with my own eyes.
Oh ya, Also I have heard stories of guys having found their eels dried up(to a point anyway, not like spending a week there) on the floor and put them back in and they lived. So, if you do find him out you might give him the benifit of the doubt and see if he makes it. The stories were just that though, stories I've never seen it with my own eyes.
Many resources I've read seem to indicate that eels can make a remarkable recovery after being on dry land for a bit of time. Certainly when mine jumped, I got him back in in a matter of seconds, but I've never ran into him moving any rocks or causing problems as of yet. The two like to dig burrows in the sand under the rock formation, but I have it all on base rock with little gaps designed for them to be able to do that very thing.
Ya, my tank had a Bare Bottom and the rock that I was talking about has many holes in it that he liked to wind up in. The first time he moved it, I came home and he had knocked over some rocks that were stacked on the one I speak of. So I left it all by itself and one day I was sitting there watching the tank I heard a,"tap tap". He was wound up in the rock and lifting it off the bottom of the tank and setting it back down using his body. Anyway it was funny to watch but I was scared I was going to hear the "tap tap" followed by a "splaaash". So I took him to the LFS.
well he in my reef now. And doing quit well. Man that boy can eet. And he's not going after any fish, i'll just keep him feed well.
i try to take some in the next day or two. i feed him every other day, man he can eat. oh it s asnow flake about 6" and hasn't massed with my gobys yet.
I love my snowflake. He's such a beat... about 13 inches right now. Feed him a ton, too. The banded eats a ton as well, but he's a little smaller. No real problems with fish being eaten, I don't think. However, I did have a bicolor dotty dissapear awhile back, which may have been them. Also had a blue-green chromis get attacked by something, but he's still alive and kicking... just beat up pretty badly. But the eels are definitely the coolest thing in the tank.