I want to cry

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2006
Southern Ca.
I have ich in my tank. Have been reading and reading. Very helpful but overwhelming. After all that information I feel like I have ich as well as my fish.

Today seems to be a day in the cycle where toe tomawhatevers are off on their way to the sand. Am looking into a QT but it isn't feasable with the tang. Well at least not now. It's not bad yet. Will vacum where the fish sleep, drop salinity ever so slightly and feed garlic and best quality food. Going for as little stress as possible. Will see what happens.k Sad, sad day.:mad:

I'm going to go get a 2nd heater at least. Just in case I can get a QT going.

I know where it came from... ONE lfs but wasn't on fish I bought and didn't listen to my best judgement.
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What kind of tang? Sounds like you know what you have to do. (hypo)
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oops stick it out try not to stress fish and as long as they feed should ride it out
not really...it could just keep getting worse every lifecylce that the parasite goes through.... not to sound like a broken record, but i would go ahead and setup a small qt tank and treat the fish..what kind of tang is it Debbie???
Yellow Tang Ron....For now I am not stressing fish at all. Making sure water changes are same temp and pH feeding vitamin mysis and formula I and garlic soaked nori, have cheato available at all times for tang and coral beauty but the tang is the one who eats it. Watching nitrates and trying to scrape up the money for a refractometer and another heater. Since hypo would be probably 2-3 mo. I am wondering if I can use a rubbermaid tub. I have like a 40 gal. nothing else large enough. Been reading Your stuff and Steve's and SlickDonkey on the sticky. ::sigh:: Yea Brenden, I know. Just have to plan it out. I think I will lower the temp very slowly a degree or two also while planning QT. Right now it is a steady 80F.
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Thanks Guys

:doubt: Those pics. I posted in the other thread were just taken a few days ago. ::another sigh:: I just get so attached to my animals and don't want them to have discomfort..:(
:doubt: Those pics. I posted in the other thread were just taken a few days ago. ::another sigh:: I just get so attached to my animals and don't want them to have discomfort..:(

it happens alot.. i hate it as well:doubt: .....about the rubbermaid container....i wouldn't use it..you will need to observe the fish close up..you won't be able to see it in that container...a 10g tank is only $14 at most pet stores...i don't know if you have a spare filter or not, but you could find a cheap biowheel on the net somewhere...if you need any help, don't hesitate to ask:D
Why cant you qt the Tang? Having to stay in a small tank is nothing compared to the irritation ich will cause them. Not to mention secondary infections that could develope. Not to mention...ich will eventually kill them.
Lowering temps won't do anything. If a Rubbermaid is all you have, you need to use it. I don't like them because you cannot see the fish, but you really need to get the fish out and treat them
Good luck
Things better for now

Hi ButterflyGrl, All fish are ok at this point in time.:oops: I have one YTang one Coral Beauty Angel, a pair of A. ocellaris and 5 green chromis so QT just for the tang would be pointless as the other fish would just carry on the ich cycle.
:) Good husbandry is all I can do right now. The fish are not showing any signs of ich or discomfort (like scratching themselves on rocks or racing around tank or anything) but I know that could change at any time. Right now they are acting happy and calm and going about their fish business :razz: .

:doubt: The only good thing about this situation (well nothing is really GOOD) is that I have all the fish I wanted. Too bad I didn't know what I know NOW about ich BEFORE I bought my first fish :( . I would have put each new addition to my fish family through QT before adding to a tank that had been up and running without any new "wet" (like live rock) additions in 4 months. That way everybody would be ich free :exclaim:

Thanks for the suggestion though.:)
Hi Juanfer

I only have Zoe's right now cause it is a pretty new setup and I need more light. The CB doesn't touch the zoo's

please, when you add other kind of corals , let me know how he behaves. Its good to hear that your fish are doing fine:)
Hi ButterflyGrl, All fish are ok at this point in time. I have one YTang one Coral Beauty Angel, a pair of A. ocellaris and 5 green chromis so QT just for the tang would be pointless as the other fish would just carry on the ich cycle.
yeah, that would be too many fish for a 10g qt tank..what size tank are they in right now??? is there sand or other substrate??? if you can't do a qt tank and your display is barebottom, you could vacuum the bottom daily(it would help get rid of some of the tomonts)..just keep adding the vitamins and doing the water changes ..it is not a cure , but it will help
If a QT tank is not probable and you don't have any or many inverts (or can loan them or give them away) you could treat with copper or just do the entire hypo treatment in the display
live rock, sand, snails, fuge and I have heard conflicting reports about using copper in a display tank that will ever contain inverts. Something about copper reacting with glass and then slowly leeching back into water column over the long run. I have an acrylic tank and skimmer and I would think copper would react with that too. I suppose I could do hypo.....my tank is a 55 standard but the filter area is built into the back (overflow into sump, HOB skimmer, then to return pump chamber and out) take off the skimmer and run it on a QT with rocks, sand and inverts or just rocks and sand...will have to think more.
Thanks for your interest and suggestions
I really appreciate it.

Sorry so long.