I want to show my tank off with Yahoo...

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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If you are on Yahoo..I can put my cam on through Yahoo..I have had problems transfering pictures on here.
No Yahoo here, :(, but I would love to see your pics.
Post pics if you can here on RF. I know I am not the only one who would like to see your tank.
Take care,
I downloaded Fuji Fine Px over My Kodak program. I am having a operator errors. I have some good pix. I just need to learn how to transfer them to email and on here,
Especially on here. Zul and I took pix of Spokane Meeting, A friends 320 gallon tank, fish, etc.. I have something strange that happened to me. I have a Zoo that morphed or Zul put it into my Tank. I have no idea where it came from. It looks like The Purple people eater Zoo. I am trying to figure out that one... My plan with this camera is to take pictures of every meeting. Its possible that I have too many pictures downloaded. I will see if I can get the PC experts down here to help me.
Sorry, I saw Scott on this Am on Yahoo. My lights were off on my tank or I would have shown him. I at least can show people on yahoo with my web cam.
Hey Ed, email it to me.... everything... then I'll post it here.... until we figure out how to operate that monster camera of yours. (monster means very very very good)

techguy at caddnima dot com
Can I just swing by and look? I am sure the dust has settled and it looks just awesome. By the way thanks for letting me help set it up it was great fun.
Definitely, Thank you. If not for you, Zul, and Phillip my tank would not have been put together so fast. I owe you guys. Maybe you can help me post some pix?
I wish I could help you post pics I can't even take pics of my tank. I'll give you a call later and see if I can swing by to drool - I mean look - at your tank!
I will gladly take pix of your tank and email them to you.
I can email pix to you. I am still having problems sizing pix for here.
Now I have to come over and check it out in person. Looks like everything has settled in just fine. Awesome set up!
Bait and PSA reized those pix for me a while back. I finally loaded them.
My tank has a few more goodies now.

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