I was jsut wondering

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clown fish
Mar 11, 2007
okay so I was wondering why we dont jsut leave our lights on 24/7 in our tank? wouldnt the coral grow better and faster or am i just semi retarded for thinking this? :)
you're just semi retarded but that's ok i am too:lol: ............. just j/k dood :D .

ok in serious mood, you can't have yoru lights 24/7 because like things in the wild, they need to rest (yeah corals and fishes do need some sleep :p), they fishes might look like they're up but they're just in a relaxing mood... the same for the corals... they either close or just go look like they bend and shrink (which is the sleeping thing :) i believe ) .
A lot of corals actually expand and eat during the night. If you have several corals, you'll probably notice feeding tentacles out at night more often than during the day. LPS corals are especially night feeders. If we had out lights on 24/7, they never open up to eat...lol.
Each type of coral will react differently but it does boil down to a few basic reasons. As mentioned above corals that do feed will do so in the dark. Also corals that are more light dependant produce oxygen during their photosynthesis process, Naturally they burn that energy off as heat, but with to more light they wont be able to regulate that and thus will end up producing hydrogen peroxide...will we all know is not a good thing to have swimming around in thei tissue. Usually the coral counters that by ejecting its Zoox which is again not a good thing for their health.
