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Minus The Ich

Feb 27, 2007
I found these in my tank last night. The pictures aren't that good so will try to describe them.

During the day they look very similar to a richordia. I have around 5 all on one piece of live rock. The biggest is about the size of a dime. They have a central feeding orafice. They are mostly brown with some iradecant green spots and white bumps when the tentacles are retracted. At night they extend tentacles about 1" that are clear with white tips (those pictures didn't turn out). They actually look realy cool at night when extended. In the morning when the lights first come on they ball up like a zoo when it is unhappy. They are in a lower corner of my tank that gets a little less light and flow than the rest of the tank.

I have never had a richordia but that is my best geuss. Anyone have any other ideas.

that would be a hydriod jellyfish, they are pretty much harmless and they can move but dont seem to move much...

I will search for a pic..

Dennis - How big is it? Most Hydroid Jelly's stay really small, that picture makes it look alot bigger than a HJ.

BTW, Thanks again for the chaeto.
It is about the size of a dime and I have a couple other that are a little bigger but I can't get a good picture of them.
Short tenacle anemone. Somewhat harmless, will stay small and spread real slow. Is it brownish, growing from the rock, a stem and has a faded ring around the inside of it tenacles? Hard to tell with that pic but that's it looks like to me...