ID please on this BAD bug!

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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2008
St. Louis
I purchased 3 heads of ricordea tonight from a store that I normally do not go to. I assume they are wild raised, as they were not attached to rocks (however there was very small piece of rock on them)
I temp acclimated them and went to attach them to a piece of my live rock tonight. I poured the water and ricordea into a bowl and attached them with glue and smashed the little piece of rock to help adhere it better. I then placed bridal veil over it to help secure it and went to place it int eh tank. As I went to put the rock in the tank, something bite my finger.

I was at the tank and looked and this stupid bug looked almost like a little flea (little black bug) as I, without thinking; threw the rock and the bug into the tank. I now have a little whelp there where it got me.

I looked at the bowl that was holding the coral and water and I saw what I assume was a fireworm (a red worm with a half black body?) I tried to take picture of this, but could not get it to focus. I am pretty sure it was not a fireworm that got my finger, unless it was very small.

So, what did I just introduce to my tank? Any ideas? My finger itches, but to be honest, power of suggestion is making it itch right now I think.
Oh yeah, the red worm thing with the bottom half of its body that was black, had what I think was an antenna on its head. This at least did not end up in my tank (at least this one that I saw)
cant id with out a pic if it was a fire worm u would of had hairs in ur finger that would of hurt when touched it sounds more like a mantis probly no need to stress theres all sorts of things living in ur aquarium that u would never know about unless u hammer and chisel all ur rock
After the post I thought it might have been something from my LR. I keep a bunch of small LR in my sump to attach corals to. So, a teenee mantis is very possible.
The other thing that I wonder if it could be is red bug. I recently lost all of my acros to what I thought was temp., however I never really had a temp increase, it just was steadily high. So I went and bought a chiller (then had a small fire in a power strip!) and left the acros in there in hopes that some would return. I have what might be some growth back on a few pieces as I target feed them, however, it might just be cyano (he, he, he)....Didnt say what type of growth it is.
But from what I read, red bugs are actually yellow with red heads. I did not look that closely.
Oh well, if it is a mantis, it is so small and I am sure he is not the only one, if it is red bugs then he will soon starve.
Thanks again
I was at the tank and looked and this stupid bug looked almost like a little flea (little black bug) as I, without thinking; threw the rock and the bug into the tank. I now have a little whelp there where it got me.

Could be an isopod.