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mark peacock

Mar 28, 2006
I have just noticed in my tank its about 3to4 mm squared and very thin reddy brown in colour i can not get a pic as i have a -rap camera seems to cover the whole rock with a coral on it and seems to be going onto another rock any ideas what can i do sorry about no pic:|
I have just noticed in my tank its about 3to4 mm squared and very thin reddy brown in colour i can not get a pic as i have a -rap camera seems to cover the whole rock with a coral on it and seems to be going onto another rock any ideas what can i do sorry about no pic:|

Sounds like something I have in my tank. Does it cover the rock like a coraline but it is reddy brown with maybe light yellow or greenish streaks every here and there?
Sounds like it could be coralline algae, good thing. However, from your description, it could be other things as well. What does it feel like? Does it wave with flow? Is it hard or soft? Can you borrow a camera and get a pic of it? Or Pedro, can you get a pic of yours so Mark can visually compare it to what's in his tank?

it looks like mosaic tiles i have just took some out got a mag glass and they move like a slug/leech and exspell a orange dye which stains the surface its on move preety fast for a small organisium:eek:
Yes i think they are i am just looking through my books when i saw a nudibranch and near it are the things i have on my rocks and its eats these flat worms so is there anything i could do or should i just get a nudibranch to eat these
Finding a nudibranch could be difficult without properly IDing your critters first. Nudibranchs are very specialized feeders and most feed on of only 1 or 2 things. Also, once you find a nudibranch that does feed on these, as soon as it's eaten them all, it'll most likely starve.

Your best bet is to first get a definite ID and then go from there. Since you're unable to take a picture at this time, do some google image searches and see if you can find anything that is a match...
Perform a little research here on the sight - I think you'll find several solutions. I haven't dealt with these but have seen things like Flat Worm Exit and nudibranches mentioned several times in the past.
The little guys are red planaria. They really aren't that harmful except that they reproduce quickly. In some cases, they reproduce to such large numbers that, while scurrying around on your corals, they actually block out light to the corals. That's how they become bad for our tanks. Amazingly, a lot, if not most tanks, have them in small numbers. I've read where low flow can cause an outbreak and something as simple as increasing flow can take care of the problem. Some natural predators of these are 6 Lined Wrasse, 4 Lined Wrasse and possibly Dragon Fish.

They can be treated with Flatworm Exit or Prazi Pro, but a word of caution...when they die, they become toxic. If you have a large population of them, the amount of toxins they put off when they die can wipe out your corals. However, if you have a small population, you're okay to treat them. Let me rephrase that...with a large population, you can still treat your tank, but do you have to siphon up all the dead bodies and do a major water change. See below for techniques to siphon them up

Before treating, you should attempt to get as many out manually as you can. A couple of ways to do this is..
#1. using a small air hose with rigid tube on end, siphon as many as you can find out...pain in the butt!!!
#2. Using a filter sock on the end of a larger siphon hose, or on the drain hose from tank to sump (if you have one) syphon out water through filter sock. Filter sock will catch them and critterLESS water can be put back in tank.

Do some google searches and research here on RF for Red Planaria. You'll find lots of good information. Here's a couple of links to get you started.

thanks for the info really appreciate the ones i have seem to concentrate only a rocks so will remove as many as i can and get some salifert worm exit once again thanks


just siphoned these worms and i cannot believe how easy they come off the rocks i think i have only a smal infest of them only seem to be on 2 rocks at the mo so going to get the numbers down and then treat i think it will be the best way reading what you guys have said and they seem to come out when the lights come on :)