Ideas for keeping BTA out of overflow?

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Oct 11, 2008
west seattle
I was wondering if anyone has figured out any creative ideas for keeping BTA from migrating into overflows? I have a 28 gallon nano and my 3-4" BTA continues to find its way into the overflow, blocking the return water, and causing the tank to (nearly) flood my floor. I've tried directing my power heads toward the overflow to discourage it, and tried replacing it in an area of the tank that has med flow/med light, but to no avail. It does what it wants. I think the answer, unfortunately, is my tank is too small and will need to find a bigger tank for the anemone. Thoughts?
Well its looking for something. What kind of lighting do you have? how is your rock work set up? Do you have a cave like area for it to set its foot and in an area out of direct flow?

You could build a cage out of egg crate to place around the overflow so it cant get to it. But it could start squeezing its way thru the egg crate and then you have another problem of getting it out of that.
I have LEDs in the nano
Daylight – 25 x 3 Watt 14K
Dawn/Dusk – 4 x 3 Watt Actinic
Moon – 2 x 1 Watt
The rock work does have a cave area and spots on the reef that are out of direct water flow of the Hydor 650 gph (it's worked its way into the powerhd 1x already). I thought about the egg crate idea, but besides the aesthetics of it, I'm not sure it would keep it out.

I thought about sawing off/grinding down the plastic lip/rim above water line, just above the overflow grate so if the overflow was blocked the water would at least flow over the back of the tank into the overflow area and not over the front or side lip of the tank onto my floor.
Well hopefully you wouldnt need something to keep him away from the overflow for long. hopefully he finds a spot and settles down soon. do you have a clown? I noticed when I got a clown and it started hosting the nem, the nem stopped moving. It was a GSM and it started getting too aggressive and I sold her and ever since then, the anemone has been moving around. it settles for a few days and then moves on somewhere else. I think it, mine anyway, is searching for another clown to host.
I put mine in a small cave once and placed a piece of rock in front of the cave with an opening big enough for the nem to get out if it wanted to. It then footed to the underside of the cave and then extended it's body out of the hole and was happy there till I took the tank down. But They are all so different and want what THEY want and not what you thinks cool. Some times patience is the best and keep it out of the power heads and overflow. It's hard keeping a nem sometimes, and other times they stay right where you put them. Good Luck.
Thanks. I appreciate the feedback. Kept 2 anem in a 46 gall no prob. If I didn't have to risk this one flooding my floor, I would probably be more willing to keep it and keep on it. 1 more reason I Guess I'll have to get that bigger tank now!
I was pretty bummed I had a 6" red bubble that was happily in its spot for 2 months and no changes to the tank I left for the day only to come home to it sucked up in the filter tube! My fault for having a canister but it was a very temporary home. Now I have about a 1" BTA that looks way cooler and has yet to move from his spot. at least for now.... Ive heard that there really isnt much you can do and they will go where they want no matter what is in their way.
yeah good luck! They are amazing creatures if only they could be happy with a home and stay away from other corals and filters. What style overflow do you have? in my 75 the overflow sits above the water level with slits all the way around it as well as one one towards bottom. Im going setup a herbie style drain as ive heard bad stuff happen with durso style setups including BTA blocking the drain and flooding the tank. maybe you could get a piece of acrylic cut so it cant get into the overflow. I still need to setup a piece to keep anything from jumping in there and finding my fish swimming in the sump.
More light may help also. I only have limited experience with my Rainbow, but it definitely did not like the intensity of my LEDs. As much as I tried to coax it to a nice, display location it ended up anchoring up under a ledge. It stayed out of view for weeks and finally stretched out into the light. It finally split and one moved to a more visible location. I then sold the shy one!

Food, light and flow. It's looking for its own personal preferences.

Like herding cats! Good luck:wink:
It's liked this spot for the past few days. Keeping my finges crossed.... image.jpg
plus what everybody else said..."Green turf" like materials will keep it from heading to the overflow. Worked for me years ago until it calmed down and found a home.