Ideas on my sump set up

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Mar 2, 2009
I’m getting ready to set up my sump. But have a few questions. Looking for input moreless. I'm thinking about putting chaeto in on the right under the intake. Because it’s separate from everything and it has a grate that will hold it up off the ground. But only thing is there is a lid on this sump and I don’t really have much access. I have 2.5 inch by 15 inch opening where the drawer goes in. so as long as I don’t have to get into the chaeto area to clean and what not it should be fine. And then where the baffle is between the two chambers I was going to put a heater. So the all the water has to flow over it. Then I have my giant dual bak pak protein skimmer hanging on there. And my mag 5 in the corner. I was thinking about putting sum sand in on the right side chamber. Just like an inch or so for critters and pods. Or even building a little shelf for the mag 5 and putting sand on the left side as well. Along with some live rock in the left chamber. Also since im buying karalia water pumps for my main tank im going to put my power sweeps in there for extra flow. That’s what my idea what would you do different or the same?


Oh yeah and sump is 2ft wide 18inches tall and 15inches across