I'm finally ready to show off my 55

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Mountain Goat
Feb 1, 2006
Moscow, Idaho
I have been around here since Febuary and I know that none of you have seen my tank. There are several reasons for this, I don't have much in it yet, I feel intimidated by all the big impressive tanks around here, I just moved, and I have been helping my tank recover from a bad previous owner.
Well I have finally stepped up to the plate! So here is my story (many of you already know how I got my tank but here it is again).

Last November I bought a complete used 55 setup from a guy with very little salt water knowledge (I worked through highschool at a LFS so I had a good start). In it was about 60lbs of old dead coral sketelons covered in algae, a 9" sailfin Tang with barely enough room to turn around at each end, an angry tomato clown, a valentini puffer, one of the most beautiful lemonpeel angels I have ever seen, a scooter dragonet, a yellow clown goby, a firetail goby, a little green goby that is currently unidentified (I am hoping for some help on that one later), a sebae anemone that was almost clear, a huge tube anemone, a small tree coral, and a mushroom rock.
For filtration he had a Fluval 404 and a seaclone 150, and for lighting he had only a 130watt pc hood.

I kept everything happy until about January while I did lots of research to bring myself back up to speed. The single best thing I think I did for my tank was to discover Aquatic Dreams in Spokane, Kevin helped me through everything I couldn't remember as well as plenty I didn't know.

I started the tank recovery process by removing the crushed coral and putting in a ssb, and getting the nitrate and phosphate under control (both were off the charts:eek: ). During this time unfortunately, the sailfin and the anemone didn't make it. I then sold off everything I didn't want for my long term plans of having clams and sps.
Before I was able to figure out what I wanted to do next fate decided for me, while I was trying to clean my skimmer and get it to work right I cracked the side of it, I figured it wasn't doing much anyway but that same night my fluval kicked the bucket, so I was trying to run a tank without any filtration! I had one small hang on the back canister filter that I threw on it to get me by until I figured something else out. Another member here (Lew90) helped by making room in his tank for my corals.

This is getting long and I am running out of time so to speed things up I bought a 29gal and made a sump/refugium had my tank drilled and built an overflow, bought my skimmer from Mark (skimerwhisperer), added an extra 100watts of pc lighting, and am currently working on a MH setup.

So enough talk here are some pictures:
I am also working on moding a maxijet and two aquaclears for better flow. I like diy projects and I lack money, a good combination! After I get done with the flow upgrade I will finish my lighting which will be two 175 MH's and two 65w pc actinics. I also need a background............
I owe a big thanks to Lew90 who kept my corals in his 90 for 5 months while I got my tank back on its feet and able to support them.

Here are some more pictures:

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a 9" sailfin Tang with barely enough room to turn around at each end, an angry tomato clown, a valentini puffer, one of the most beautiful lemonpeel angels I have ever seen, a scooter dragonet, a yellow clown goby, a firetail goby, a little green goby that is currently unidentified (I am hoping for some help on that one later), a sebae anemone that was almost clear, a huge tube anemone, a small tree coral, and a mushroom rock.

Wow thank god you saved that tank from the owner!! What ever happened to all the stock, aside from the corals being fostered by your friend.

Looks good so far, very clean. Hehe you just wait until its covered in god knows what like the older reefs ;)

I also need a background

I totally suggest blue or black. You know the one thats reversable blue one side black the other? Any picture background will just get covered in corraline and other such algae.
Bojangles said:
Wow thank god you saved that tank from the owner!! What ever happened to all the stock, aside from the corals being fostered by your friend.

Looks good so far, very clean. Hehe you just wait until its covered in god knows what like the older reefs ;)

I totally suggest blue or black. You know the one thats reversable blue one side black the other? Any picture background will just get covered in corraline and other such algae.

The Tang died, the clown goby got eaten by the tube anemone which was then given to a LFS, the firetail got sucked into the stupid seaclone, and I sold the angel, puffer, and clown. The angel I sold to Lew90 and it is quite happy in his 90gal. I am glad to still be able to see it, attached is a picture of it with my little tree coral in his tank. I have since picked up the coral banded shrimp and the little percula clown shown above.
I would mod the maxijet. the ac's cost twice as much and cant turn a good prop. I am going to do my mj that was sitting around this weekend so I will post pics. I bought an endcap from mjmods. and the rest of the stuff from a hobby store in lyynwood WA.
Nice setup so far Tim! Don't feel intimidated man...Whenever you do, take a look at my tank and you'll feel better. Mine is as bare as it comes(LOL):p
bradreef said:
I would mod the maxijet. the ac's cost twice as much and cant turn a good prop. I am going to do my mj that was sitting around this weekend so I will post pics. I bought an endcap from mjmods. and the rest of the stuff from a hobby store in lyynwood WA.

Yeah that is kind of what I was thinking, I have the stuff to do the Maxijet so after I finish that one I will see.
Detri said:
Patience is key :) Ask Krish, he knows.

It is good that I have no problem with patience, I figure it will be a couple years before this tank is where I want it.
After I get done with the lighting and flow I will have to save for a while to get new rock, I probably won't get any new livestock (except maybe a second clown) until I get that far just so I don't risk killing things. When the time comes I will sell that big rock in the center of my tank, I really like it but it is just too big for what I want to do in a tank this small.

And of course this is all just practice for my future BIG tank:) ........

So here is my next question for everyone, when I bought the tank there was a little green goby that came with it that I can't get an id on. I have checked several books and asked plenty of people but I still don't know what it is. It is the one in the pictures above with the Scooter Dragonet, and here it is again:
spongebob lover said:
well that's the first time i see one of those ... so i can't help :( .
what are you feeding it?

So far it is the least picky eater I have ever kept, salt or fresh, I have been feeding it blood worms, formula 1, formula 2, fresh shrimp pieces, brine shrimp, ect... The only thing it completely ignored was some nori I rubber banded to a rock.
So far it is the least picky eater I have ever kept, salt or fresh, I have been feeding it blood worms, formula 1, formula 2, fresh shrimp pieces, brine shrimp, ect... The only thing it completely ignored was some nori I rubber banded to a rock.

that's great !! :)

I'm posting an answer to your question about what type of goby you have.

It's a Green Banded Goby (Elacatinus multifasciatum) formerly known as Gobiosoma multifasciatum, it has since been reclassified as Elacatinus multifasciatus and is from Puerto Rico.

Come April 5 2007 I'll take another picture of the Lemon Peel and the Christmas Tree coral to be able to show then and now pictures.
