I'm finally ready to show off my 55

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Wow time flies when you are having fun, I can't believe it has been a year since I resurrected that 55. Since Lew90 reminded me about this thread I will do an update, the 55 has been taken down due to my lack of dedication and spending too much time with my other hobbies (mountaineering, mountain biking), which I promise will never happen again!:D I setup a 10gallon nano that is doing great right now, I should get pictures on here but I don't have a digital camera. The newest info is that pets have come to the forefront of my life once again, I have changed majors in college from engineering to pre-veterinary, and in a couple more years hopefully I will make it into vet school.
Since I still live in a place that doesn't allow pets other than fish that is what I do, next week (if everything goes as planned) I will be aquiring a 180 full setup so I will be stepping into the big world of reefkeeping:razz: . I plan on making this my dream setup and I just wanted to thank all of those on Reef Frontiers for helping me learn enough to fulfill one of my dreams, I would not have been able to do all this without you guys.
