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Ian Gibson

Jun 12, 2006
witbank, South Africa
I'm not sure whether my message is submitted at the right place but anyway. I live in South africa and I'm 16 years old. I have a 30 gallon reef tank and have had many problems and no real experienced aquariests near me! I'm very willing to learn. Thanx ian

Welcome to Reef Frontiers!

Whats wrong with your tank? Just describe to us what you are running (Lighting, pumps, how much LR and LS, etc..) then tell us exactly whats wrong and we'll see what we can do.
Welcome to Reeffrontiers Ian...it's good to hear that you are ready to learn...you came to the right forum!!!!
Welcome to RF Ian, Ask away, we should be able to help you out with whatever your problems might be.
Welcome to RF!!! I hope you enjoy it here! Definately the right place to be IMO...Just ask away and we will all do our best to help you along:)
hey man...FINALLY, somebody in the age group. this site is awsome and it has the nicest people. i hope you get everything in your tank figured out!

Thanx for al the replies I didn't expect the huge support, it's really cool!
About 8 months ago I bought the tank from a guy which sold a whole setup with live stock. It is running on a canister filter 950l/h, Prizm hang-on skimmer 650l/h, and it has an undergravel filter with air stones. The lights is 3 T8's or I think VHO's 1 white triton, 1 blue moon, 1 marine glo(purplish). I have live rock( Not sure how much, I think its enough), 4cm coral gravel as a substrate, it has a lot of worms and things the guy ran the tank for 2 years so it was mature. I have a large long tentacled anemone which hosts an African clown, open brain coral, leather coral, trumpet coral, 2 mushrooms, finger coral, cup coral, 10 hermits, 2 snails, banded coral shrimp, pyjama cardinal, some macro algae.
That's it i think
Sounds great Ian...How is the tank working out for you? I see a few things in your system not very many people use these days for a number of reasons (ie Prizm skimmer, undergravel filters etc) but doesn't mean they shouldn't/couldn't be used. What works for one person may not work for another and vice versa so you go with what works well in your case. In any event, is the tank running smoothly for you? Let us know incase we may be able to help you improve the quality of your tank some if you are actually having any issues:)
The skimmer seem to do fine, what possible problems are experienced with them.

I've never personally used one before, but have heard quite a few times people saying they rather toss them and not use anything than use them. Then again, I've heard people say that they get good performance out of them. If it is skimming for you well, then I would continue using it and not change a thing.:)

As for the undergravel filter, yeah, not very many people using them these days especially with air stones. Mostly if they are used, powerheads are attached to the riser tubes that come up right out of the tray. Usually with the undergravel filters using the air stones, detritus and waste settles under there and over time, begins to degrade water quality and can cause nuicance algae to grow as excess nutrients (nitrate, phosphates etc) begin to rise. Some people still use undergravel filters (don't get me wrong) even in a reverse mode where water is pushed down the riser tubes ,under the tray and then through the substrate, but not using them at all these days seem to be a lot more common. Just a few thoughts. If you want, I can see if I can find you some feedback here on the priizm skimmer if you wanted to see it, but IMO, if you are happy with it's performance, I wouldn't consider changing it at all. You have to do and use what works or what methods work best for you in this hobby as no two systems are the same:)
for a 30g, that skimmer should be ok..i have the same skimmer on my 30g..they are way, way, overrated...what are the problems in your tank..i was wondering if using the old substrate was causing any nutrient problems...how are your water parameters??? make sure that canister filter gets some very regular cleaning..they can build up nutrients as well
I am having a nuisance algae problem and have had it for the past 3-4 months. I do regular water changes and use instant ocean sea salt. I also test for phos[hate and nitrate and use red sea test kits. i have heard that they are not very accurate so its difficult to actually base action on what you see.
for a 30g, that skimmer should be ok..i have the same skimmer on my 30g..they are way, way, overrated...what are the problems in your tank..i was wondering if using the old substrate was causing any nutrient problems...how are your water parameters??? make sure that canister filter gets some very regular cleaning..they can build up nutrients as well

What do you recommend for the substrate I do siphon it. I am considering a sump but the tank is not drilled so how would i effectively run it.
Yeah, chances are your under gravel filter is fueling the algae. Ever took a tube when doing a water change and shoving it down one of those riser tubes and suck from underneath the trays? I use to do that with my freshwater tanks when I ran an undergravel filter and the water was a consistent brown color:eek: Also, with your water changes, are you using ro/di water?
What do you recommend for the substrate I do siphon it. I am considering a sump but the tank is not drilled so how would i effectively run it.

To add in a sump, you don't need to drill the tank. All you will need is an overflow to hang on the tank like one of these:)



I'll get you some pics of how i had mine tied in on my old 75gal. Give me a few:)
i would clean that canister filter if you haven't already...next i would look into the substrate..it is most likely leeching out nutrients....if you are doing regular WC's, then it would most likely be one of these...how old are the bulbs in your fixtures??that could contribute to algae probs. if the bulbs are old
Here's how the overflow tied in. Water drains in through that overflow hanging on the tank, flows through it and then down into that ribbed hose into the sump. No holes at all need to be drilled in the tank at all:)
