In dire need of a chiller!

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Well-known member
May 22, 2010
Plaistow, NH
Hey everyone. I have just posted in the Classifieds for a WTT: for chiller. I seen my tanks temperature was at 85F today and we're barely into spring! I figured that more people look at this General Discussion Forum and decided to post here for more views. I don't need any junk or broken equipment. Just a chiller that will handle my 180G. I have 2 tanks and stands to trade. A 180G Acrylic with stand and a 100G with stand. Please help!!!

Hey Derrick,

If nothing comes up in trade, we have a lightly used 1/3HP Pac Coast CL-850. We're selling it for $699.99. Should handle up to 200 gallons.
Sid: I can't fit anymore fans, physically.... I am sure that I am about ot pop a breaker if I keep adding fans.

Cy: Thanks for the info but I need to trade because money is tight.
Not being able to fit more fans, may be an issue! Is it possible to replace your existing fans, with more efficient, better cooling fans? Opening your stand, allowing heat to escape, from inside the stand, may also help. If you've an enclosed canopy, open it up too. If it comes down to it, shorten your lighting period. You can even turn your lights completely off, temporarily, for a few days, with no ill effect. Maybe it's time to install a window AC unit?
I believe that my MH's are about 75% of the problem but the temp usually is about 81F max. Today was different... not sure why? Between the MH's, my Return Pump PCX-40, and Closed Loop Pump Hammerhead I don't know where to start. The temp was still 84F 3 hours after the lights went out. My house temp was 71F then. My Canopy is open in the back and has 2 fans blowing air in from the top. My stand has large enough holes in it to keep the humidity down and also has 2 fans blowing in along with a small fan blowing across the sump.
I had it originally setup this way but i believe that letting cooler air hit the water surface may be a lot more benificial. I do have an opening in the back to allow the airflow to pass hot air out and there are a few gaps in the canopy top to allow heat to escape also.
I have a chiller sitting in my garage. i'm not at home right now (at work) but if you pm me your phone #, I'll give you a call when I get there and see what i've got.
At 85 I'd simply turn the lights off for now. Do you have heaters in the tank? Is one of them failing? I'd pull them and see if your temp drops. Also, what kind of pumps and powerheads do you have that would be adding heat to the tank? As noted earlier, that's really hot for this time of year. Finally, I'd leave your fans as they are, pulling air into the canopy/stand. As you noted, that introduces cool air to the tank but it also means that you're not sucking warm, salt laden air through the fan and out of the tank. That can take a fan out in a short period of time.


Fans should do most of what you need unless you are dumping heat into the system....

Get ahold of a digital temp sensor and see where the heat is coming from. (I live near Sumner and have a fluke that I could loan if you get this way. )Dealing with that might actually be easier and cheaper than what you are currently trying. While I am a fan of chillers, minimizing the need is a good first step.

Remember- the heat you are dumping in is caused by electricity; which a chiller cools using more electricity.
I'm with mcoomer on this, unless you have a ton of pumps, it is almost certainly a bad heater. It seems unlikely that your room temperature is much higher this week than last.
Thanks everyone. I will be checking everything out. I do have 2 stealth heaters and will he pulling them today. I have a gen-x pvc-40 return pump and a reeflo hammered closed loop pump. Also a ecoplus 1058 pump for Beckett skimmer. No powerheads.
I just check the temp. Its 80f right now and the MH's just turned on. PCX-40 feels fine although it is dialed back a little. Same as the hammerhead which is also dialed back. I have a digital themometer and a glass thermometer too. Thinking maybe something messed up? Heater got stuck on? I will check again in a few hours.... but i still need to invest in a chiller either way.
I also agree that there is a failing equipment going. A faulty thermastat on a Stealth heaters 2x caused mine on two separate tanks. And another time a RIO was starting to go meltdown in the sump, very prone those RIO's. I was able to check the culprit by removing to a separate bucket with an "acurate temp probe" and ran the items individually for several hours monitoring the temp to see what was up. Time to investigate. I haven't come close to getting a chiller yet in all my years here. Even with the room getting 74 w/Room AC. And I run 1000w of halide and T-5 in my canopy.
I agree about equipment malfunction. I have the same set up with pcx-40 return and hammerhead CL and my temp. stays around 77-80 with one fan blowing over the water when the halide comes on. No chiller.